Now I haven't been over in DW for a super long time, maybe a month and a half, BUT I'm sure going to witness here.
Harley is one of those few members you come across and never forget, in the not just good way, but the astounding way. My first few days here, I thought things would be shakey... Ya know, transfer, new person, all that jazz. It wasn't like that at all. Harley was exceptionally warm welcoming. She kinda showed me the ropes to Samurai, introduced me to people, gave me the highs and lows if you will.
In the short weeks that I've been here working with her, Harley has become a good, close friend. Not just someone whom I can confide in, but someone who's actually willing to help. I've seen her interactions with the members, and she's one of those people who will halt things on her end to help you. Whether that be because of her line of work in the Real World or not, she's there to make sure you understand. You feeling a little left out? Have no fear, jump in a party and you're golden!
Harley is one of those Staff members whom I always want to be around. She's true to herself and members. It doesn't matter the situation at hand. She truly deserves this award!