Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7
Link: @VENUM 7
Award: Gold Outstanding (OS Lvl 3)
Reason/Evidence: Venum is fully deserving of this award. To start off, he is a Division Leader, Forums Mod, and the Head of Performance Operations. As a division leader, he is pushing towards success and encouraging all of his members to get up and be the change. With two thriving squads in Samurai and Elysium, the division is pushing towards being as great as it once was.
Next, as a Forums Mod, he uses his ability to navigate and know the site like the back of his hand. He uses that to help members with forums related problems and guide them in the right direction.
Finally, as the Head of Performance Operations, he is the driving force of the new turn around of the whole department. After the former head went MIA, Venum stepped up to the plate and took on the department. He has reworked the STP program as well as some of the CEP workshops that are used today by mostly everyone in the community. He has an amazing staff below him that bounces ideas off him to get the best out of PO.
So with all of this, Venum is impacting the community in many ways and truly expresses what a true leader is like.