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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2019 in all areas

  1. Where do I start with FadeZ? Right in the middle I suppose is a great place. KSI FadeZ 7 is a superstar among the ranks here in KSI. As a former staff member within Clan Ops, FadeZ decided to "Perma SGT" himself to focus more on Departments. Here, I had my first major interaction with him on the News Team. FadeZ was an all around team player, making sure that any staff who had questions were taken care of, while still maintaining the high standards of being Senior Staff. He never hesitated to add extra insight to any article that we had, and always jumped at the opportunity to pull extra articles for us if the time called for it. When News split to form HSI, FadeZ was one of the forefront members who made this possible, keeping on top of all things KSI related, and made his way up to Dept Head. He's still there today making sure that any stat is kept, spotlights are done, and updates on divisions are made. FadeZ is a main reason on why they run so smoothly. Now, FadeZ didn't stop there. He's also a Court Judge within KSI, as well as a Forums Moderator. The guy is everywhere, anytime, even when he's working in his RL. While doing all of this, FadeZ still manages to keep up with his division DW, and plays an active roll in their member retention. There's rarely a time you will catch him on when he's NOT with them. FadeZ is a name that many people know, mostly due to his LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG stent with KSI. He's also a person who is hard to forget. Over the years, he has become a close personal friend of mine who is always there, no matter the situation. Even if I want to vent about RL issues, but it be like that sometimes right? I don't want to kick a dead horse and say the same thing many others have already spoken about. He deserves this OS3 just based off of the physical proof of everything he has done within this community to make it an all around better place for the members. Keep up the hella good work twinsie!
    1 point
  2. Fadez is a good dude offering help and advice anytime hes called upon. Having had the chance to work with him in the News Department was a great experience and his work and knowledge across a plethora of different departments helped a lot when it came to covering events or gathering info for an article. Fadez embodies Knowledge Strength and Integrity in all that he does and members and departments are able to benefit from his kind approachable manner and vast knowledge within KSI . He is a mentor to many in many ways and yet he is still very humble and approachable. Fadez is a trend setter and an idea factory coming up with many ideas and finding ways to implement them here for the betterment of Dept. Ops. Just a few reasons why he deserves this award.
    1 point
  3. Man Fadez, The guy deserves every bit of this award, hes a motivator, a teacher, he'll tutor, he grinds and doesn't stop for this community. I don't even know were to actually begin . Kacey is moral mixed with consistency stirred in with Dedication. I watched a member with social issues push and overcome the uncomfortabilties of dealing with people speaking in front of others and handling situations take over and become a leader because Kacey was there because he put in the effort to always look out for that memeber because he cares for them. I've seen a different member that goes through some of the worse struggles in life almost losing someone close to them because of an uncontrollable tragedy and they are on the brink of ending it all bounce back because Kaceywouldnt let them give up he wouldnt let that member throw it away. I've bared witness to a member that had no friends and was accustomed to hurting there selves and couldnt find any other way to relieve it change and that member pull a full 360 and go under his wing and start learning from Kacey because he wanted to help people the way Kacey does. Fadez has helped members find a fuller potential through web ops through clan ops through this community which has allowed the areas that he touches thrive. Kacey is more than a memeber, a department head, hes more then a friend or a brother, hes family. For me personally man .... I cant even lie I'm sitting her freakin crying, as I think to my own past that I really might not be here in this community in this life with out him. (I HATE YOU FOR MAKING ME CRY RIGHT NOW KACE).Because he was there when things got so dark for me. It started with me guiding him, and When I fell he helped me get up and he guided me. He taught me how to extend my self to others around and be a family member to those not only who he would be around but to people I'm around everyday. The leadership kacey has you cant teach, the work and literal hours days and months kacey puts into these people in the community is untouchable you can not and will not find another that does what he does. It be insane to think other wise and it be blasphemous to not give him this award. Fadez is the very Definition of this Award. Please Recognize this!
    1 point
  4. FadeZ is a real OG, he is always putting time aside for his members to make sure they are satisfied on their needs. For example he is currently my mentor in GSM and makes sure that we know what we are doing. He is always clear about his instructions and makes sure we are following along. He’s never afraid to talk to someone and loves to be around people, making this community more at home with each person he reaches out to.
    1 point
  5. I'm in all honesty Surprised this lad doesn't already have this Award. FadeZ has been an amazing person to work with for around the past 2 years. I first met him when I was General of Hannibal in 2017, I met him from another Member, and we talked a bit. I thought, "Huh. This guy is cool, he's a fun guy to be around." and then I left and didn't talk to him for a little bit. I didn't have a chance too. FadeZ was a General of FI at the time, and I only got a chance to talk to him again when he was transferring, and this was a tough time. With many people harassing him due to his Decision to seek out a new Family, it seemed to make it even worse for him. We had become friends and then became eager to work with one another through varying different Activities. With his Years of experience, he was taught me a ton about what it means to lead a Department, and he was taught me what a Leader should be in relation to their Members. On a daily basis, FadeZ is a Leader in HSI, but he is also a Friend and someone you can play with. FadeZ has moved through the Officer ranks time and time again through-out his Years in the Community, Ranging from Divisional Leader, General, and SGT, Multiple times. Wherever he went he changed the Squad. I've seen this personally a few Times while inside of DW, In Samurai and Hannibal, He's made several people become Officers and show them what a Officer truly should be. He changed the "Aura" of the Squad to a more Friendly and Family Oriented place. FadeZ has definitely been the "Dad" of Squads at one point or another. Inside Departments, I've seen him work countless hours every day working on ways to improve the Departments he was in. Whether it was writing his Famous Articles from News multiple times a week, to talking to people on the Forums about joining the Community, To managing HSI and improving relations with the Community and the Department. FadeZ has been someone I've seen work tirelessly and it's very inspiring to see him do his best for the sake of the Things he's in. I've worked with FadeZ with multi-department events and Ideas for a long time, He has reached out to all departments in a effort to bring Department Ops and the areas inside it to a closer and more Family ideal atmosphere. FadeZ is one of the most caring people inside of the Community, he is always looking for people to succeed and improve their Areas, and he isn't afraid to come up with his own to help those people, without Stepping on peoples feet. FadeZ, you are someone who has been a Leader for a long time, with as much accomplishments as you have, I think they pale in comparison with how much you will do in the Future. Whether its in KSI, or Real life, I hope you find Success wherever you're searching. And, I think we can all agree that FadeZ is secretly the CEO already. I believe FadeZ is someone who deserves OS3, and is someone every Leader, whether its Current or in the Future, should shrive to take in his Ideals, and Work Ethic. You inspire me to be a better Leader, Member, Friend, and Person @FadeZ 7
    1 point
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