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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2019 in all areas

  1. I have personally never talked to Greenday or been in a party with her,but I can attest that she is deserving of OS 2. So of course this goes without saying,this is my complete and unbiased opinion presenting the evidence at hand for this award. Simply from a standpoint of a bistander's point of view,she has more awards than anyone else in KSI. She has donated a significant amount towards KSI,earning multiple donation and bits awards,most of those...you have to donate quite a bit to receive. She has been a Squad splitter at one point in time,whether she was a general or just part of the officer staff,the fact of the matter is that she helped make it happen. She was Dept Member of the year. I don't know about you,but thinking about how huge of a deal that is....well it definitely is. There's quite a few members in all the departments,run by truly amazing individuals. She was handpicked out of everyone,she made strides and put forth effort to earn that right. She has earned divisional hall of fame and the mentor awards. When you look at all of our leaders in past and present,you can clearly see that not everybody made that cut. You have directors and past board members who didn't make it. She clearly made a significant impact on her division as a leader and to her friends alike. She is the Co-head of HSI. This department was made with her help. That is a crowning achievement in itself. Building a whole entire department from the ground up,and making it successful is the dream. With everything they are having to keep up with,the department as a whole is doing a fantastic job. Everything is organized and efficient. She is a forums moderator. She earned her own award,making her mark on KSI history. I don't know about you,but very few people are selected to take on this important job....so I'm jealous lol. This is a position that you are hand selected to do,a job that is very important and keeps us getting on here safe and sound. Earning this right is something I strive to achieve one day,so she has my respect. Again,I do not know Greenday. The whole point of Outstanding Service Awards is to award the individuals who set an example amongst other people at their rank or position. I believe she has gone above and beyond those requirements. She is an example of what commitment to this community is. You deserve this award Greenday. Thanks for making this community a better place to be in.
    3 points
  2. Name: KSI Grifful 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Grifful 7 Award-/-Achievement: KSI Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: I nominate @KSI Grifful 7 for the KSI Mentor Award. He has been and is the pivotal leader in SL. When I started in KSI, among any officers and members, he was the one who passionately and sometimes aggressively was the example of leadership and a mentor. I knew nothing about KSI in the beginning and was given bad examples in all my other leaders, but Grifful was there to guide me and give any knowledge and push me to become better. To me, he is the epitome of what KSI stands for. He is the symbol of knowledge because of his experience and application with the skills and learning he has acquired. He is a symbol of strength because he has overcome a lot over the course of the past few months and has risen above all obstacles. He is the symbol of integrity because he can be trusted with great responsibility and is a person to look up to because of who he is and how he does it. I look up to KSI Grifful 7 because he always pushes you to become a strong and successful leader. He understands that his success is based on the success of his Gens, the squad officers, and the squads as a whole. Even with one hand tied behind his back, he is able to take care of pretty much any situation and with professionalism. I personally believe that you can not find a better mentor. One of a kind and I aspire to as good and maybe even better through his guidance and leadership.
    1 point
  3. Gamertag: KSI Grifful 7 Forums: @KSI Grifful 7 Award: Mentor Evidence: This guy right here also known as Uncle Griff he has been a huge inspiration to me and definitely a mentor. He always gave me advice in difficult situations and advice when needed. Always there 24/7 to help me. He has talked me out of stepping down which I am very greatful for and definitely wouldn’t be where I am today without him. Since I have been a gen as well he has guided me well and helped me at every corner when I have needed it. I consider him to be a mentor because everything he has taught me I now pass on to my officers. He is a great role model to this whole division and SL would not be where it is now without him.
    1 point
  4. KSI Grifful 7 @KSI Grifful 7 KSI Mentor Award KSI Grifful 7 is a true leader and mentor. He I always doimg what he can to help every member of our division. He mentors officers and molds then to become great leaders; he cares about his members and that is obvious. He goes above and beyond. People are not numbers to him. He wants to get to know the members. I know personally that he has mentored me through KSI, but more importantly, he has mentored me in aspects of life. He has given me advice multiple times, which has helped me in and out of KSI. I respect and admire KSI Grifful 7 and his dedication in helping not only me but our entire division.
    1 point
  5. @Scarface 77 Please include a screenshot with your Twitch username in it that shows you have subbed to KSI twice in 2019. A great place to find one would be your Twitch Transaction history under Category dates. Please don’t include any sensitive information.
    1 point
  6. I too throw my nomination in the hat for KSI Grifful! My officer career in KSI has not been easy and I have been plagued with both personal problems and problems within KSI. Each time when I’ve felt like throwing in the towel and giving up in general he’s been there to mentor me and give me advice on how to move forward as a stronger officer and as a person. While he is not a perfect person he is a perfect example of what it means to be a member of KSI, especially as one holding an esteemed and honorable position. There is no doubt in my mind that that this man deserves this award! He knows it, he lives it and he loves it!
    1 point
  7. KSI Grifful link to forums: @KSI Grifful 7 award: KSI Mentor Reason for this nomination: The reason why the big boss man Griff or (uncle griff) which is what we like to call him here in SL deserves this award is becasue he is a true inspiration and mentor to the whole of SL alone. He is the man who brought me in here and is the reason I have become so passionate about KSI and is one of the reasons and inspirations behind my drive to do great here in KSI. He has helped me and guided me through a few struggles where at some points I thought about giving up but he talked to me and (the reason why I’m nominating him) Mentored me how to approach and handle situations better and become a better leader and I owe him a ton of respect for that. I admire him for he’s passion and drive in this community and the pivotal role that he plays as the Division Leader, he is a PRIME example of great leader and mentor to anyone. I am very honoured to call him my recruiter and my mentor.
    1 point
  8. Division Leader KSIxROMEO 7 (Div Leader/DM) Link to forums account - @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - ROMEO is a man that never backs down, and fights for what's right for the Division, even if it means him getting slack. His willingness to be Professional, yet put up a debate to get things done is refreshing to see. He genuinely cares about all the members in DM, and goes out of his way to make sure each and every member is being treated right. Some may see him as stubborn or strict, buy but he's a super caring individual, with a big heart. He does so much for the members in DM. No one else has so much respect as ROMEO. Thanks to his great Leadership, he's leading others to go above and beyond, by leading by example and training anyone from what he knows. DM is lucky to have this member as a Division Leader. Co-Founder KSI MeShell 7(Co-Founder/DM) Link to forums account - @KSI MeShell 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - MeShell, better known as Michelle to most, has come into her own as a Co-Founder, and really helps out whenever needed. Whether it's to be there for members, host game nights, or just hang out and play with us, she is there. I could rely on her to be there whenever I message her. She will drop whatever she's doing to help someone out. She genuinely cares about everyone in DM, and is always striving to make things awesome, which she does a great job of doing. Not to mention, she recently got promoted to Productions Head, and helps out with Marketing too, advertising important stuff for us in DM, as well as keeping us up to date with things going on in Productions. If she can't get on Xbox, she gets on her app, to come to whatever is needed. I don't know where she finds the time to do it sometimes. She has a very bright future ahead, and is continuing to grow and flourish each and every day. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gallifrey 7 (SGT- DM/Sinister) Link to forums account - @KSI Gallifrey 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Even though he just recently stepped down due to real life, he was one of the best Captains I ever had, during my runs here as a General, which I am thankful for. He was my right hand man. Always checking up on the members, especially the shyer ones who don't flock to the bigger parties. Gallifrey shows them that extra special attention that they deservingly need. He went the extra mile to do so. Gallifrey is there in a second, regardless of his rank. Even with his extremely hectic work schedule, he somehow managed to be there and help whenever needed. He made a very helpful spreadsheet for the members in the squad, to see who needs help with what in a game. Gallifrey took time to help people learn new raids on Destiny, and did so for hours at a time, not giving up. As I always say, in real life always comes first. Gallifrey had the integrity to step up and help so much, even with his super busy real life. Sinister and DM is lucky to have such a selfless member. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIDntAskImAwfl (2LT - DM/Venom) - Link to forums account- @KSIdontask Reasoning why they deserve this - DntAsk, better known as Pam to almost all, is an inspiration to many in not just her squad and Division, but throughout all of KSI. I've never seen a more caring, nurturing and great woman such as Pam. Members flock to her from all of DM and KSI. She gives everyone one on one attention, making them feel important. You not only rarely meet such nice, kind hearted people like Pam in KSI, but off Xbox as well. This woman is an amazing attribute to all of KSI. She is the embodiment of what every member in KSI should be, and that is why every member looks up to her with the utmost respect.
    1 point
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