Gamertag: KSI Greenday 7
Link to Forums Account: @Greenday 7
Award: Silver Outstanding (OS LVL 2)
Well where do I start?? This women is such an inspiration to the community and me. The time and effort she puts into this is unbelievable. She is a true idol to everyone in KSI. First when I was recruited into KSI I saw her name around a lot and was wondering who she was. Getting to know her was very hard as well. However once I did I was just blown away with her. By seeing how much she actually does. She does not get the recognition that she deserves. All she gets is people scolding her which is not right if people took the time to see how she has changed as a person and what she actually does they would be knocked off their feet. Its not like she only does one thing either she has her foot in every door which I see is truly inspirational. First off she is a co department head for HSI. Now this department is very new and perhaps needs more attention and she gives just this!!! She puts her heart and sole into this department and really shines through. Inspiring all the staff to do the same. Defiantly from my stand point she has really opened my eyes to departments and without her I would not be in departments at all. Currently I am in HSI with her and all I strive to do is to rise though the department and become her co head one day but one step at a time, She pushes me and supports everything I do which is an amazing quality to have, which makes her a true role model to me. She is also in marketing which she also inspired me to join and showed me everything I know and really opened by eyes. We were the dynamic department duo of SL.
The next door she had her foot in is clan ops. So some people may disagree with me here and say she didn't do much however all the haters were not her officers. So I heard of her great journey with clan ops and this made me want to work with her to get her to become an officer again. Which she did and the work she did as a SSGT and LT was amazing. I tried to teach her everything I knew but at the time she was also training me without even knowing it. On my rise through the clan ops ranks she was a big factor in where I am now. The advice she gave me and the training was incredible.
Next she is in Web ops as a forum mod. She spends at least 60% of her day on the forums always making sure that it is up to par protecting us and watching over.
Greenday is one of the reasons I am still in KSI I have met someone who is just incredible and I strive to be just like her. I have really met a true sister for life and I wish more people could experience how much she really does. I could say so much more and write pages and pages of why she deserves this because the reasons are endless. She has so much dedication to this community even after all the bumps in the road she still carries on and this is one of the most inspirational things I have ever seen.