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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2019 in all areas

  1. Fadez is 110% deserving of OS lvl2. Over 6 1/2 years I've known this guy. Ever sense literally the first week of me knowing Kacey(fadez) hes impacted me as a KSI member a friend and a brother. Back In the days when DR was still standing in way earlier times, there was a problem in DR with past upperleadership pushing aside gens and below, "if you didnt have a 7 you were treated lower" for lack of better words. KSI Airborne 7 can witness to this being true as well. The biggest goal of all was to push equality as a person and to be able to bring more 7s with all non 7s. Well here we are now DR's gone. Most of the members scattered or have left, but Fadez took that idea and made it massive. Fadez took the idea and made it his own. (--Court Judge, HSI Head, Join Moderator, News Team Member, and although hes not currently working clan ops hes still in touch with many members that are.) Allowing what some of us call a second home to be real. See not everyones life is great and not every 17 yr old or 18 yr old etc. Has friends or has someone to talk to and some of us even if we do, we feel alone. Fadez has been that KSI member to go the extra mile to hear what you need to let out before something bad happens. Fadez has impacted this community in ways that alot of us would have never expected. Weather its encouragement and motivation to get out of your comfort zone within KSI or Real life scenarios. Fadez will sit and break down your situation. Kaceys been apart of one of the toughest times in my life and when I was on the edge ready to fall, This guy made sure to help me back up. And I've seen him do it for countless others. He really doesnt know how much he is loved. 
    2 points
  2. Award: Spirit Week Participant Reasoning: All of these members participated in one or more events during Spirit Week! KSIxTHOR @KSIxTHOR BO4 HC SnD, R6S Bomb KSI UppishB592 @KSI UppishB592 BO4 Melees, Minecraft, R6S Secure Area KSI Soap 7 @Soap God BO4 Melees KSI Fats McGee @KSI Fats McGee BO4 Melees, Halo KSI Funtime Foxy @KSI FuntimeFoxy Minecraft Infinityhunt @Infinityhunt Overwatch KSI Trixie @Trixie Brawlhalla KSI Ezed24 @EzeD24 BO4 Hc dom KSI BLK JAK 7 @ksijakripper Minecraft KSI NightDaff @KSI NightDaff R6S Secure Area KSIxROMEO 7 @KSIxROMEO 7Minecraft, Karaoke KSI MeShell 7 @KSI MeShell 7 Karaoke Luminairus @Luminairus Karaoke KSI ninja dm80 @KSI ninja dm80 Halo KSI TyraTreXxus @TyraTrexXus Brawlhalla HUNTERKING555 @Hunterking R6S Secure Area KSI Fax @KSI Fax BO4 HC Dom KSI xRonin4896x @KSI Ronin9 Uno KSI Vonner 77 @KSI Fear Meta 7 Halo KSI Atriox @KSI Atriox Halo KSI Blocky @KSI Blocky Rocket League KSI Jupiter 7 @KSI Jupiter 7 Rocket League Frvnchise @Voodoo iTL Rocket League KSI Radi0active @Radioactive KIA R6S Bomb KSI SoulTrain @KSI Soultrain R6S Bomb KSI TimberKing @KSI TiMBERKiNG Brawlhalla KSI Dragons 7 @Dragons 7 BO4 HC Dom KSI Mitch @KSI Mitch Overwatch KSI Dawnstar @Dawnstar BO4 HC Dom KSIsupermonkey3 @KSIsupermonkey3 Minecraft KSI Direwolf @DireWolf R6S Secure Area KSI Gaming20 @brayden R6S Bomb Stevie Schroder @KSI Renegade22 R6S Bomb KSI Skullcru5her @KSI SKULCRUSHER Halo There are others who do not have Forums Accounts: ManualGalaxy289 R6S secure area Skully XV R6S Bomb I will post if any of these members make a Forums account
    1 point
  3. Name: KSI Joe 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Joe 7 Award-/-Achievement: Jack Of All Trades Reason-/-Evidence: member has all required awards to qualify for this award
    1 point
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