King. Man, I've known that long for a hella long time. Like back when I was in WI up until 2015 long time. I didn't get to really get to know him until he became a PO rep for ES while he was a Founder in DW doing some amazing things, and leading that Div up to the top. Then, he transferred to ES. Our gain!
When someone mentions his name, many things come up. Massive asshat, jerk, annoying forceful person... But over the last few months, I will fight anyone who says that. I've been told that King and I are a lot alike in very many aspects. We're rough around the edges, but we're like that for many reasons. King, he cares so much about the members in his Div. He will go to bat for them all until his last breath. He expects the utmost best from all of us, but that's because we've instilled a standard into ES, and we have a rep to protect. At the end of the day, King might be stubborn and gives a IDGAF attitude out, but it's because he loves so hard. As his "Right hand man, his homie, his Jeter to the Yankees, his partner in crime", I see what he does, and I have nothing but made respect for everything.
As a Dept member, King comes with a long list for the resume. He's been a PO, a join/rejoin mod, in HSI, is a Div Leader, and is a Senior Forums mod. King works his rear off for this community, and he always will while he is here. As a mentor and a friend, I greatly appreciate everything you do for our div. Your love for the betterment of this community knows no bounds. Love you man.