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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Retrox

    OS1 KSI Harmony 7

    Name: KSI Harmony 7 Forums: @Nikki Cola Award/Achievement: OS1 Reason/Evidence: KSI Harmony 7 is completely selfless. She is an amazing person and she can connect with ANYONE on a personal level. I don't know her personally but I feel like I do because of the way that she talks with you. She, time and again, has proven herself to be a valuable member of KSI and without her, I probably wouldn't even be in KSI. Harmony is defined as "Peace and tranquility throughout a certain area." She is exactly that. She never gets angry at anyone, she never yells at anyone, and she always cares about everyone. Harmony has been there for me since Day 1 in KSI. Harmony knows that, in order to succeed in KSI, you must help others first before you can help yourself. I am KSI Retrox, and I believe that KSI Harmony 7 deserves OS1.
    2 points
  2. FadeZ 7

    OS1 KSI Harmony 7

    I will witness for this easily. Harmony has been around this community for quite some time. Back in 2014 I had transferred from Divine Reign to Demonic Mayhem for a fresh start and to be in a place that shared my love of halo. Upon my request I was pulled into a party by KSI HAVOC 7 and introduced to my new Co Founder named Harmony. She immediately talked to me about my goals and ambitions and the squad I was going to be transferring to and really guided me to finding my place. She went out of her way to invite me as a guest to the Lethal Squad meeting and introduced me to the squad and helped me make friends and get essentially a orientation to the squad. I was a returning member at the time and transferring from a Cod division to a predominantly Halo Focused division which ran very differently at the time. So Harmony sat down with me 1 on 1 and re trained me on how Halo Squads worked at the time and how DM operated. Under her leadership as co founder with her guidance I was able to become an officer and eventually a General of the squad bringing it back to life and back into a powerhouse. None of this would of been so smooth without her very hands on approach and involvement. She goes out of her way to always be hands on and be a solid mentor now and then. She will always hold a place for me as a mentor and I will forever be thankful of her guidance and proud of her growth in that regard. She is also my partner on the News team as the Other senior news writer. Her work is phenomenal and she has gone above and beyond for the department for a very long time. Frankly I was astonished she didn't already have this award. In my opinion she is an outstanding member and deserves this award.
    1 point
  3. Nikki Cola

    KSI December 77 - OS3

    I would like to witness for December! This man always goes above and beyond. I never understand how he is able to juggle so many hats at one time but, he really makes a stupendous Cat In the Hat performance each and every day. December is always available when you need something. He will answer your questions and is very good at being professional without making you feel like he is tearing you to shreds. Constructive criticism can be a difficult pill to swallow. December is a stupendous leader, he is a master at delivering the good with the bad. I had the pleasure of joining the News Department around the same time as him. I watched him raise to Editor and he really took the reigns. Not only did he throw in ideas but, he really got to work implementing his creative ways of thinking into motion. This man had a vision and he watched it come to fruition. It can be a scary thing when a new Head of a Department is appointed. In the case of December becoming head over News and History(at the time) it was a smooth and easy transition. In fact, this was what the department truly needed to get a fresh start! December has created a solid foundation for the writers on the team to feel comfortable. He has implemented a writing workshop with the right amount of information and humor to keep you chuckling while intensely informing you that you in fact use way. too. many. commas! It is always a sight to see when December gets a new idea. He got the notion to make the History Department more than it initially was ever thought to be. When he came up with the idea he ran it across me and I knew it was a real winner. We now have the Department that came from his plan. HSI(History, Statistics and Information). December is outstanding and deserves to be recognized to the utmost capacity!
    1 point
  4. December

    1 point
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