I will witness for KSI Kakashii 7.
I am a new Co-Founder, I have maybe been a 7 for about two weeks. When I received the promotion, I was a little worried about being a Co-Founder for a squad in the other side of the division. What I didn't know at the time, was that this was the best spot for me to be. Kakashii has made my job as a 7 easy as it can possibly be. He has led Knights with minimal error, as he is always on top of his squad. Not only does he have my complete respect, but he also has earned the respect of his officer core and likely his whole squad. He carries himself with a excellent mentality. He is a patient General, that only plans in the most methodical manners. Even though he is at 90 members, he has not asked once about a squad split. He unconsciously understands that there are some things that need to be wrapped up before he splits. The reason for this is pretty simple, he would rather raise and maintain the current morale of the squad/ division then chase his own personal prestige, by this he has shown me that he is fully committed to the team and is willing to be the support system to the divisional infrastructure that has made SL prosperous.
By this, I only see that it is fair that he earns OS lvl 1.