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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2019 in all areas

  1. I have many things I can say to witness for this trust me there has been ALOT of things that has happened and things that have been said lol, the one thing that will stick with me forever is when I got pulled into a party by fadez and he literally starting flipping out about how he is a Join mod, Court judge, and has even been a 7 in a division before but couldnt host a gamenight without an officer present. He literally wasn't even mad he was just being hella petty and sassy, he even made me pull bane and minion in a party so he could have them listen to him be petty about it as he sits there and just laughs while hes trying to be "serious" lol. Mind you fadez is suppose to be my husband but is also cheating on me and the rest of the Male members of the communities with each other so thats just another story for another day lol Everytime you're around this guy just expect a good time lmao
    2 points
  2. Team Captain: KSI OddBa11 DIV: ES Member: tiredCalico DIV: ES Member: ZealousEquality DIV:ES
    1 point
  3. FadeZ is like the Town's Bicycle, He helps every one get around, among other things FadeZ is a man of the people and makes sure that they know that, whether he's denying people with his Sass, or laying down with his dog in his living room. Drama is something that follows FadeZ in a great way, it's almost always positive. from a Princess to the new Drama Queen, Cause more Drama ya knob @KSI FadeZ 7
    1 point
  4. There are many that can and probably will witness to the drama that is FadeZ. I've known this guy for almost 7 years, and I can definitely say we have been involved in more than our fair share of some drama. Between dealing with community issues, to all of our messed up real life issues, when you stay close with someone so long we all lose any filter we had. I've been around to see this guy grow from DR's resident "felon" (not really, inside story) and to see him go through multiple instances of creating drama for himself and then instantly regretting it within short amounts of time. Love this guy, but he is for sure a drama queen.
    1 point
  5. FadeZ is the definition of Drama Queen... he literally just said to me if i didn’t witness for him, he would’nt be my person anymore...I mean what a Drama Llama.. so here goes.. he’s super sassy, goes in a grump if he doesn’t get his own way and loves to be the centre of attention at ALL times, if he’s not in a party with you he will phone you to make sure that he’s the topic of conversation, he throws dinner rolls at people, has a B-F if you spell his name wrong, will literally start fights with people to defend his friends and has no qualms in being the love object of many peoples affections...He has no problem acting stupid to cheer you up and always always ALWAYS has an answer for everything... He will willingly act a fool for training purposes and will always be there when it counts..So yeah, He’s A Drama Queen
    1 point
  6. December’s Devils KSI Havoc 7 KSI December 77 (Scratch that, we're hosting.) <3
    1 point
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