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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2019 in all areas

  1. I will drop my vote to witness. Grifful has been a good General from the moment I walked into SL. Despite all the hardships he had to endure during his time as a General from bad experiences with his 7's staff, bad apples in his officer staff , he has persevered through it all and grew his squad to over 90 members. Most People in his position would of failed, or stepped away from adversity where as Grifful succeeds nonetheless. Recruiting, Promoting, Training are all strong suits for him as well as running a very tight ship. All events are hosted with great attendance and his attention to detail gets better each passing day. The biggest reason why I would say he qualifies for OS level 1 Is once again his ability to weather any storm sent his way , you could even argue he deserves MAD MAX. The officers behind him are some of the best I seen in a long time in KSI , and thanks to Grifful guiding hand they are being put in a position to succeed in KSI. As a leader isn't that one of the most important things you can bring to this community , creating more leaders? Along with KSI Rockdogg 7 they formed a dangerous 1 2 punch in terms of generals in a division and thanks to Grifful hard work SL has grown very quickly from the bottom of the divisions in Members , to as of right now 3rd biggest division in KSI. He is also on the verge of splitting his squad which is a testament on how great of a leader he is. No brainer for OS level 1
    2 points
  2. Gamertag: KSI Grifful link to forums: @KSI Grifful award/achievement: OS lvl 1 reason: from the time Grifful was recruited back into KSI he has always been willing to help in any way he could. Helping finding recruits attending meetings, game nights, and meeting new members making them feel welcome whether they were in his squad or not. If for some reason they didn’t feel welcome he would find out why and try to fix the issue. He was eager to learn more and do more for the community. He did what he could to grow his knowledge with in our community. He asked questions, used the PO workshops to his advantage, attended many recruiting workshops, asked advice and always listened to those advising him made the advice they gave him stick, he wasn’t afraid to ask questions on why we did things and also come up with ideas to better the community. He quickly started going up the ranks still eager to grow and learn more not giving up no matter what. When leadership was changed instead of slipping off he adapted to the changes he then became gen and over Stryker which is now imperial. Training his officers up to there fullest potential. Gaming with his members adapting to the needs of his squad and the division. When He lost a couple bad apples out of his squad that hurt his officer staff a little this dude came back extra strong and rebuilt his officers better then the ones before making sure not to make prior errors. With TSB trying to do there thing they do this dude did not panic yet stayed strong for his squad and officers like any great leader should. It has been an honor to watch this member grow in KSI I see great things in his KSI future. He definently deserves OS lvl 1
    1 point
  3. Community Forums Workshop Date - Sunday, January 27th Time - 6:00pm EST Workshop Content - In-depth introduction to KSIForums.org Creating and customizing a forums account How to navigate the forums and its areas How to sign up for KSI events How to get involved in Department Operations How to request a gamerpic Introduction to KSIGlobal.org Post your gamertag and division to sign up! Message @December 77 or @Hatter 7 with questions. Gamertag: Division:
    1 point
  4. WOW @KSI RockDogg! Well said! Gen. Grifful is not only a great leader when it comes to gaming but also here in KSI! Just a little bit ago today he was explaing how important it is to him to establish the best of pretty much everything within KSI. I vote Grifful!
    1 point
  5. KSI Mr Gump 7 wow where do you start. When i met Gump i was the new Div Leader for ES and KSIfiremomma7 invited me to a party to meet him. He was so excited to have reached the rank of a 7. This guy was so excited to be given the chance to help grow and make DL better. With so many ups and downs with his health he never let anything get in the way. He was always willing to chat game and and just hang out. If he ever had a question or need some advise he was not afraid to reach out for help. I always heard great things about Grump and how amazing he was to his members and DL. If there was ever anyone in KSI that deserved to be in ANY Hall of Fame i would have to give my vote to Gump. By far one of the best members and leaders KSI has had. He is loved and missed by so many.
    1 point
  6. Gamertag: KSI VorTex 81 Division: SL
    1 point
    1 point
  8. Gamertag: KSI UNDERDOGG Division: SL
    1 point
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