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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2019 in all areas

  1. screw it since im in a good mood...HUGS FOR EVERYONE. and if anybody wants a special award.....send me a PM saying "made you look"
    3 points
  2. HAVE YOU SEEN HIS SIGNATURE?!?!?!?!!?!? Ahem.. But yes December is like one of the QUEENS of drama queens because he will pout and use reverse Psychology on you to play PUBG or Call of Duty sometimes I don't even know how I got there Owo. He has so much stuff going on that if he can'r be dramatic then he isn't himself. he will send you Snapchats of his radio to Christmas music and basically shove a reef down your throat. I also feel like hes basically turning myself Hatter and Fadez all into minie Drama Queens which you know someone is one when you see that happening. Also News team....they are all Dramatic hahahaha I suck at these dont hurt me... XD
    2 points
  3. These 2 have dragged DL from the dead to Alive again and have kept us a dominating force with not even the highest members. They have carried squads on there back while running the whole div. They have had generals disappear off the map and have reassembled squads with no help. These 2 are people who wont let anything just die they will always go down fighting
    1 point
  4. Gamertag: KSIfiremomma7 Division: DL
    1 point
  5. FadeZ 7

    KSI Bane 7 OS Level 1

    If you are ever in a party with me and bane you know I give him a lot and I mean a lot of crap. But honestly bane is one of the members I'm most proud of. I met him when I rejoined into Hellcat FI he was my first Captain and now he is my Gen in Samurai DW I can't escape him but thankfully in this case that's a good thing. Since bane took gen iv watched him change into the leader he is now. He completely turned the activity in his squad around building a stellar officer roster and a ridiculously active schedule for his squad. Meeting attendance is amazing and everyone in the squad knows bane. He is always in parties pulling people in and willing to get to know everyone. He really cares and it shows. He is also doing great things as productions co head and watching this growth has honestly been inspiring. I find it outstanding but that's my take.
    1 point

    KSI Bane 7 OS Level 1

    Dropping Vote to Witness What can I say about Bane Bane is a member im surprised that doesn’t have this award already. I first met him when he was a members Hannibal an I truly thought he was annoying but as the time went on he grew on me. Bane has been in many squads in the division could have been Gen of those squads but that’s another story lol. But no matter where he’s at he has always been a strong leader for his squad mates. Ow as Gen he is truly dedicated to his squad an his members as well as maintaining his duties as Cohead of productions. But no matter what hand he has in a cookie jar the effort he shows is nothing less Of upstanding.
    1 point
  7. KSIxMotoMoto

    KSI Bane 7 OS Level 1

    Bane is one of the best officers ive know in my short time here. He has gone out of his way to try and make meetings and game nights are fun. He does his best to make samurai squad not just an awesome squad but an amazing family. I personally know that if you have problems or need help bane is the man to go to. Like i said im still fairly new and dont know the old samurai, but i do know bane is a major reason i stayed in the new samurai.
    1 point
  8. Nebula 7

    KSI Bane 7 OS Level 1

    Bane has been one of the most dedicated members of the whole Community. He is Spirit Week King 2k18, what can I say? Bane has been such a inspiration to myself, I've seen him grow in many different ways to better himself and those around him, myself included. I first met Bane around the time I joined productions in June of 2017, He joined the Department and we immediately hit off and became friends. Inside of Productions, bane has always been a Streamer with big Ideals and big Goals, He was one of the people who streamed the most inside of the Department, and was always willing to do more or help people. Recently, He got in charge of the Happy Hour team, and sent that out in a huge way! Now, he is Co-Head of Productions and is doing big things for the Department alongside the Head, Skarzx. Bane was also in Marketing, where he pushed events and helped members of DW sign up and play in the Events, Bane has been in T&E where he was the one hosting the Events! Now, He is inside of the Community Development Committee, and is helping create Workshops for the Education of the Community What I feel like is his most proud achievement, is getting the Rank of General again! He used to be a General in DR, and after ages of working hard in DW, Whether it was Hannibal, Paladin, and Samurai, he finally Rested and is running the Squad Samurai! Bane has had his hands in so many Cookie Jars, it's simply incredible. He never stopped working even when times got tough. Whether Bane calls me at 5 in the Morning, to tell me about his Orange juice, or to message me at school to discuss KSI, Bane is a fantastic example of an Outstanding Member. You really deserve it @King Bane
    1 point
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