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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2019 in all areas

  1. We All Scream For Ice Cream! ✦ While the cold winter is upon us, we often times find ourselves thinking back wistfully to warmer days. The sun in our face. A summer breeze in our hair. And of course - the ideal cold treat - ice cream! Now is your chance to share a pic of your favorite icy indulgence. Theme - Ice Cream (this includes ice cream cones, sundaes, floats, etc) Deadline - Sunday, January 27th @ 11:59pm Rules - Anyone KSI member can submit! Reply to this topic with your Gamertag & Division AND email your best ice cream pic to KSINewsTeam@gmail.com (include "Pic Of The Week" in the Subject and your gamertag/division in the email!) No plagiarizing! Only use a picture YOU take or have taken. Play by the rules! No stealing stuff from Google. Winners - The best pictures will be posted on KSI's Instagram page! Good luck! ✦ Gamertag: Division:
    3 points
  2. Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Division: DW
    2 points
  3. Name: KSIfiremomma7, ksi drop shot 7 Link to Forums Account:@KSIfiremomma7 and @Mr. DropShot Award-/-Achievement: Die Hard Reason-/-Evidence: @KSIfiremomma7 and @Mr. DropShot these two members go through H*'ll on a daily basis dealing with issues and drama, i not sure if the even have hair right now from all the stress they are going through on a daily basis.
    1 point
  4. Approachable: Yes Award Senpai: Yes
    1 point
  5. KSIfiremomma7 and KSI DropShot7 hhasbeen here for me since day one of me joining this community shes always looking for a better solution to a problem I have or she's always there to talk to about any problems KSI related or not she supports loves and cares for everyone
    1 point
  6. These 2 wonderful members are a big help and loves to play games and help others or just like to keep them company. Love you both
    1 point
  7. FadeZ 7

    KSI Bane 7 OS Level 1

    If you are ever in a party with me and bane you know I give him a lot and I mean a lot of crap. But honestly bane is one of the members I'm most proud of. I met him when I rejoined into Hellcat FI he was my first Captain and now he is my Gen in Samurai DW I can't escape him but thankfully in this case that's a good thing. Since bane took gen iv watched him change into the leader he is now. He completely turned the activity in his squad around building a stellar officer roster and a ridiculously active schedule for his squad. Meeting attendance is amazing and everyone in the squad knows bane. He is always in parties pulling people in and willing to get to know everyone. He really cares and it shows. He is also doing great things as productions co head and watching this growth has honestly been inspiring. I find it outstanding but that's my take.
    1 point
  8. Team Captain: KSI D3ADLLAMA2 Division: Divine Warriors Teammate: KSI BIDN3SS Division: Divine Warriors
    1 point
  9. Gamertag: KSI Follow Division: DL
    1 point
  10. VENM VII

    KSI Bane 7 OS Level 1

    Dropping Vote to Witness What can I say about Bane Bane is a member im surprised that doesn’t have this award already. I first met him when he was a members Hannibal an I truly thought he was annoying but as the time went on he grew on me. Bane has been in many squads in the division could have been Gen of those squads but that’s another story lol. But no matter where he’s at he has always been a strong leader for his squad mates. Ow as Gen he is truly dedicated to his squad an his members as well as maintaining his duties as Cohead of productions. But no matter what hand he has in a cookie jar the effort he shows is nothing less Of upstanding.
    1 point
  11. Team Captain: KSI xKing 77 Division: ES Teammate: KSI VENUM 7 Division: DW
    1 point
  12. Team Captain: KSI Blocky Division: Insanity Teammate: KSI Jupiter 7 Division: Insanity
    1 point
  13. Gump was an amazing man who always kept me laughing! He was always there for others and was someone you could spit ideas at and know they were truly valued. Gump worked hard to accomplish his goals within KSI despite the challenges he had in his life. If you needed assistance with anything, Gump was always happy to help and did whatever he could to help. Although I didn't know Gump as long as some of the others, I truly feel like Gump deserves this nomination.
    1 point
  14. KSI CHAOS 7


    Which is why I asked why is it that your require more of the of the months then the years. I mean year is a bigger deal but right now we have a list of names for people for different ranks but no reasons as to why they should even have the of the year awards. I mean lets not pretend the current AAP staff is going to even have half a clue who half of the people are that are below the rank of general so what could they possibly debate and discuss when the AAP staff start selecting the of the years and they have no information to even discuss. As it stands right now then with no information at all given there is no way those being nominated can even be represented when it comes down to the AAP voting on these yearly awards.
    1 point
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