Here to witness For Airborne (Cody)
Back when i was the final leader Of the Division Double Helix. The Division was broken down taking its small remaining members and merging into DR. Airborne was the First Divine Reign Memeber i had met. A General at the time. He put fourth the effort to seek me out and find out what needed to be done to make not only his squad but the division as a whole better. Back then 7s in this Division limited the communication of talking to squad members. So Airborne knowing he may not get an answer based off of what he was used to still came ready and willing to do what needed to be done. I have not only watched this man split sqauds in DR, ive personally handed him his 7, hes enstilled other memebers with the knowledge and know how to split squads. He not only helped me create some of the best members this community has ever seen. But hes stepped in when my life and my codivs life wasnt the best. Some of the best members hes trained are, heads and co heads thru out the Division. Airborne did more then just work to make the division better. Something that Division to my knowledge hadnt seen he helped create more then a thriving Division where he split squads and help split the Division later on after i had stepped down, membera under Airborne have learned things that they will always remember. IMO Airbornes Name should go to the top of the list for the DR HOF. Because MP wouldnt exsist, great memebers to the left and right of you wouldnt be on these forms with out Airborne. KSI Airborne 7 Plays a huge part in the Success that Divine Regin Had.
-KSI Arc 7