I can most certainly witness to this award. December has been a heavy hitter when it comes to News Articles, and so much more. I personally have used his Recruiting Effectively article is several of my training sessions held within multiple divisions. I can also attest to December coming up with the Monthly Recruiter record. This has come in handy when trying to research the active recruiters we have within divisions, whether it be to know who's bringing in the most members, or who members can go to for recruiting tips and tricks. This is one of the best, most effective and recent stat thread updates that has been introduced to HSI, and will continue to be an important tool used by Leadership. He's also come up with the massive hit "In The Kitchen" article theme. ( http://www.ksiglobal.org/in-the-kitchen-with-december-episode-1/ ). This article has been well received amongst many members, several of whom have actually gone out and made what he described, and are ancy for the next episode.
Throughout the several months that I have been a part of the HSI/News teams, @December 77 has been an inspiration to many members. He's always going into depth about articles, is extremely thorough with explanations of expectancy, and has an all around high standard for everything that we do. As his Editor for the News Team, I have learned a great deal more than I thought I ever would need. In my opinion, December has earned/deserves this award more than just one time over.