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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2018 in all areas

  1. Ten facts about you 1. You are reading this right now. 2. You are realizing this is a stupid fact. 4. You didn’t realize I skipped number three. 5. You’re checking now. 6. You’re smiling. 7. You’re reading this even though it’s stupid. 9. You didn’t realize I skipped number eight. 10. You’re Checking again and smiling because you fell for it again. 11. You’re enjoying this. 12. You didn’t realize there was only supposed to be 10 facts.
    2 points
  2. PUBG Custom Games Date: Thursday, January 3rd Time: 8:30pm EST Gametype: TBD Format: 5-man divisional teams. Best of 5 games. Overall winning division will receive the "Thursday Night Throwdown" Crown! (TNT) Entries: Team Captains, please post with the template below. Message @December 77 with any questions. Division: Team Captain: Teammate #2: Teammate #3: Teammate #4: Teammate #5:
    1 point
  3. Gamertag: KSI Folkstyle Division: WD
    1 point
  4. Division Leader Gamertag; KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link / @ @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award - I’ve said this numerous times, but Grunt truly cares about each member in DM. Whether they’re new or have been around for quite some time, he wants to make everyone feel like they belong. He also ensures the safety of our members at all times. Although Grunt may seem quiet, he takes his time to observe any situation before reacting to it. When stressful situations arise, Grunt always keeps his cool to respond in an appropriate manner. Even though he may not be the greatest at all games, he isn't afraid to sign up to participate in tournaments and events when others need a teammate. Grunt was also inducted into the DM Divisional Hall of Fame this year for all that he’s done for DM! Founder Gamertag; KSI FluffyPup 7 Forums Account Link / @ @KSI FluffyPup 7 Reasons they deserve this award - Kyle (FluffyPup) helped tremendously with troubleshooting discord issues when they arose. He has also developed a secondary discord channel with important information that members can utilize to help with recruiting procedures, training procedures, and much more. At one point this year he was one of two 7s in the division. With the size of this division, Kyle helped Grunt manage all five squads, ensuring that things ran smoothly even though they were down a couple Co-Founders. Kyle is supportive of all members in DM. He hangs out with everyone, regardless of rank. And, he’s always there to help support our teams when they need an alternate for Weekend Warfare’s and other events. General Gamertag; KSIxROMEO 7 Forums Account Link / @ @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award - Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to really get to know Romeo until he was promoted to Co-Founder. However, when he was General I heard nothing but great things about him. So many people in DM look up to Romeo as their mentor; he’s trained several members that have now become great officers. As much as he his busy working or spending time with family, he always makes time for his KSI family. Whether that be jumping into gamenights on his phone to check up on everyone or using his Xbox App to deal with more important issues, you can always count on him to find a way to get online. Captain Gamertag; KSIDntAskImAwfl Forums Account Link / @ @KSIdontask Reasons they deserve this award - DntAsk is an amazing individual and leader. I always saw her posts around the forums before I even transferred to DM. The stories and posts that she makes on discord are so inspiring. She comes at every difficult situation from a personal perspective, which aids in solving issues. I know many people that are in her squad, and have heard so many great things about DntAsk. From what I can see and have heard, she is a great leader that other members look up to - Everyone loves her! Sometimes she thinks that because she is a 3CPT, she may overstep somewhere or doesn’t feel like she’s just as important as other ranks. DntAsk is a little shy, but has been breaking out of her shell and becoming more vocal about what she thinks is important for other members to know. I know that she will continue to become more confident and more outgoing as time progresses. She will continue to grow and become an even better leader than she is right now! SGT/SSGT Gamertag; KSI TangledHare Forums Account Link / @ @KSITANGELEDHARE Reasons they deserve this award - Tangled didn’t have a mic for a little while but he was still very active with the squad. During that time he would always hop into parties and talk in the xbox party chat to make conversation with other members. He was promoted to SSGT just over a month ago and has been doing a great job as an officer. He’s been consistently bringing in recruits and helps out with promotions. Tangled is still learning the ropes of being an officer. But based off of what he has done so far, I know he will continue to grow as an officer and accomplish great things! Member Gamertag; KSI Joe 7 Forums Account Link / @ @KSI Joe 7 Reasons they deserve this award - I first met Joe when I was a Co-Founder in CD. I was having issues within the division and right away Joe let me know that he was there for support, even though we had just met. Over the past 7 months (approximation) or so of getting to know Joe, I have come to find that he is one of the most respected members amongst DM. Joe has done it all - he’s recruited many, and I say MANY people into KSI. There are people in all five squads within DM that have been recruited by Joe, heck I’ve even met people outside of DM that were recruited by Joe! This year Joe was General of Cruelty, which split into Venom. Joe was eventually promoted to Co-Founder due to his incredible hard work and perseverance. Joe is literally the nicest person I have met in KSI. He’s caring and compassionate for all members in DM, and if anyone is ever upset he is there to listen. He was also nominated into the Divisional Hall of Fame this year for these reasons and then some!
    1 point
  5. And I am the frozen custard.
    1 point
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