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  1. Category:Ssgt Gamertag; KSI Nagisa Forums Account Link / @KSI Nagisa Reasons they deserve this award - I believe this person deserves this award because in my time in KSI he is the the first one that has completely blown me away with the amount of motivatio, and devotion he puts in as a community member. He once sat in a party with me for 5 hours as I was asleep. I would have thought he would leave the party and went on with his own business, but he stayed until I woke up. He has also blown me away with the amount of recruiting he has been doing, even if they bail at the end. He still keeps recruiting. He haven’t been here long but I see his career soaring high in the future. He keeps coming to me asking for stuff to do. I train him as he goes. He offers to pick up things that I have set if I am running late as well. I am amazingly proud of this member and I am glad to have him as an officer in Angels squad. Category: Division Leader Gamertag; KSI Eyonia 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Eyonia 7 Reasons they deserve this award - I believe this person deserves this award due to the fact she has used her sheer will power to obtain this div as a division leader. There were times where she was doing stuff out side of her div too. She deserves the rank she is at. On top of all this she is doing more and more when it comes to this div to the point that is Generals are trying to get her to not have so much to do so she can relax a bit. She has been through so many 7’s in this div but she keeps pushing. I admire her for that. Category: Captain (CPT1) as well as GEN Gamertag; KSI Hatter 7 Forums Account Link / @Hatter 7 Reasons they deserve this award - This member within ES has shown outstanding performance and attitude since their transfer to ES. I personally have kept an eye on this member and watched as she has taken over posting marketing information in the discord server and encouraging members within the community to participate in the events. This member is running certified workshops and is knocking them out one by one with outstanding detail. This member pulls off outstanding member and officer retention to keep them around and keep activity up in a squad I see her running. She is well knowledgeable on any questions, answers, as well information when providing it to anyone who asks. She shows outstanding team leadership and loves to keep people close and bonds with others kept. I am proud as well as happy to have this member within the ranks of Eternal Souls (ES) div and hope to see this member go so much farther in this div. This outstanding performance has given me insight of how this member has worked in her previous div in LS.
    3 points
  2. Category: Senior Leader - (Board members, Senior Directors) Gamertag; KSI FuzzyMeep 7 Forums Account Link / @I am FuzzyMeep™ Reasons they deserve this award -Since my start with KSI this year Fuzzymeep has been there during 3 difficult times for me. He has never felt that the position he holds made him untouchable. The first response I recieved from him I was just a CPL, the second a SSGT, and the third a 3CPT. The first was encouraging words in a message that I have carried with me and used to start stepping out and working up the ranks. The second was when I was kicked off parts of forum's and because he had corresponded with me to get my group and emote picked I contacted him. It was in the middle of this mess that when my 7 asked me how it was going about getting back on so I could document gamenights, I told him who was helping me. His reaction was, "do you know who that is? That's the highest ranking person in all of KSI". I immediately contacted FuzzyMeep and explained I had no clue who he was and apologized for bothering him on such small matters. He reassured me it was no bother and the important thing was to get me back on forums. He then stayed up till almost 2 am till he got it fixed. I don't know of any other CEO's of companies that would care enough to help an entry level employee with IT problems lol. The third one is on a much more personal level,. He is helping me get through some RL stuff and this has truly let me know that he is there for me, anytime. When we say KSI is a family, fuzzymeep does not just say it, he lives it. Category: Division Leader Gamertag; KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award - As a division leader he cares. He gets to know each member and never shows bias from one to the other. He always looks for the good in people and never over emphasizes the bad. He steps back and observes, learns the whole situation and does not jump in to make knee jerk decisions. I am looking forward to working and learning more from him as I step out to step up. Category: Co-Fo Gamertag; KSI Dragons 7 Forums Account Link / @Dragons 7 Reasons they deserve this award - Dragons is an incredible leader. He watches everything. Anytime something may start to go in a not so great direction on discord, whether it be divisional or squad level, he swoops in to defuse the situation. I'm serious, he never shrinks back hoping another officer will deal with it. I really don't know how he does it except that he makes DM a 24 hour priority. He sees and hears everything and knows exactly what's going on in DM. He never flexes his authority muscle to deal with the issues but always does it on a personal and caring level. I can only hope to learn how he does this and be half as good as he is at it some day. Category: General Gamertag; KSIxROMEO 7 Forums Account Link / @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: From the moment Romeo recruited me at the tower in Destiny 2 to this very minute he has trained me, mentored me, corrected me, and cared about me every moment. Even when I feel I let him down due to my own insecurities, and did not step up to be the officer that he knew I could be, he did not write me off or give up on me,. He still invested lots of time and "heartwork" to get me to come out of my shell. And I am so glad that he did. I still have lots of doubts about myself but he is always there to work them through with me. He goes way above and beyond to help his squad, for example, I know of 2 situations in which gamers have found themselves homeless and out of income and Romeo has jumped in both times and found them apartments and a job but the relocation was too much for these members to deal with. On a smaller side, Romeo knows I use my hotspot on my phone for my gaming internet due to being in a location were we dont get internet so if I get on my phone it will kick me off . During game nights, even if he works, he always jumps in and takes picks of party for me to help me with my attendance taking. Even as busy as he is as a Co-Fo now he still does so many caring things that may seem small but mean a lot to his squad. I am confident in saying that I am positive I could not have had a better General to mentor me through this year. If it had not been for Romeo I am not sure I would still be in KSI and I know I would never have moved up from SGT. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag; KSI CasualTee Forums Account Link / Reasons they deserve this award: CasualTee has hit the ground running since he came to Venom. We have 86 members in Venom and only 5 officers. He has jumped in and taken care of so much of the work load such as promotions and gamenights. And one of the best qualities about CasualTee is you can count on him. It is so refreshing to have a fellow officer that goes above and beyond eagerly to help. Category: SGT/SSGT Gamertag; KSI Metalplains Forums Account Link / @KSI MetalPlains Reasons they deserve this award: MetalPlans is an incredible asset to our officers team. He has so much heart. He cares about each member on an individual basis. They are not members to him but family. He does his work and pulls his weight in promoting and gamenights but then he also is a special friend to our members who are going through RL. He doesn't hesitate to reach out to one if there is a hint of sadness or hardship on discord or in a party. He shared with me yesterday that in one extreme case he didn't know for sure what to say he just knew he had to say something. This guy has a great work ethic and an even greater heart. Category: Member Gamertag; KSI Joe 7 Forums Account Link / @KSI Joe 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Let me start by saying that l love this member so very much. When I first came into KSI he was my CoFo. Now that I understand the ranking system and all the responsibilities of the higher ranks it is totally unbelievable to me the depth that Joe got to know his members. He was always on and always making sure everyone was treated right and having a great time. He stepped down for the good of the div when RL took a real nasty turn for the worst for him. Yet he stayed on encouraging and helping anywhere and everywhere he could. Again RL has sucker punched him in the face and when he was talking to me about his RL his number one concern was still the members. Through tears, in my eyes I read his message back to me "please make sure the younger ones know that I care". In my opinion, he deserves OS lvl everything.
    2 points
  3. Category: Gamertag; Forums Account Link / @ Reasons they deserve this award - Categories For nominating; Senior Leader - (Board members, Senior Director) @Mr. North Forward reason:Im one of those people who have lots of questions, any time i message him or invited him into a party he was always with a response ASAP if it was a message or jumped into my party. So when there was not a seven around i could always count on Ronnin and get that issue resolved or that question ans. Director @KSI Cherry 7 reason:This is definitly one person who you want to follow in your career in KSI. She has a very outgoing personallity and nothing brings her down if sheis upset she hides it well and continue on with that spirit you need to keep moving forward. She is the one who help me stay when i saw nothing good coming out of Cyanide. She would get you excited about those div cup points and get you to want to sign up and get them points by participate and have fun on the events. She always has the time for either division she is over. You can always get ahold of her either discord or xbox with one of my many question and she always gave a ans. Division Leader Co - Division Leader Founder Co - Founder @KSI UNBORN He deserves this because he does eveything he possibile can to help the squad he is over he works with the Gen. He never gives up even when the squads gen desides to leave he just moves on and works with the next one with no complaining General @Kalakoi This man works his butt off when he is the gen he sits with the officers to make sure that they know and understand there positions. He makes sure the workshops get down evry week and that all the meetings are done with every posiable person is in that meeting so they know whats going on in KSI Captain @KSI Folkstyle The man has no problem jumping in and getting things done. You give him a task and he is right on it. He feels as though he dont do enough so he goes and joins departments which with that it helps the division and the squad. He gets along with any one he is in a party with. Lieutenant @KSI x Rogue She deserve this award because when she was a lieutenant she help with getting to know all the members in Cyanide playing together as a community. You never had to tell her to get with a staff sergeant she was always ready to get with them to teach them what they need to know to be a positive good officer. SGT/SSGT @MiniFuzzball81 When he was a staff sergeant he did every thing he could to learn more on how to be the best officer you can be. He has the drive to do anything if he is taught. He loves meeting new people so his favorite thing is playing the game and gettting new recruits . With his love to recruit and meet new people has help alot with our squad getting ready to split. Member Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins) Department Head Department Member
    2 points
  4. I'm the flavor you have in the fridge on a Friday night when you get home from work. Then you realize I've been in there like 4 months and you end up grabbing a beer instead. I'm also the beer.
    2 points
  5. Name: KSI TaerTech Link to Forums Account: @TaerTech Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: he has 49,130 Gamerscore
    1 point
  6. Gamertag- KSIxROMEO 7 Division- DM
    1 point
  7. Gamertag: BlackychanFEB Gamertag: KSI Crackuhh @KSI Crackuh Gamertag: KSI Goalie @KSI Goalie Gamertag: KSI ShadowRage Gamertag: KSI THEZOHAN Gamertag: KSI TommyMafia @KSI TommyMafia Gamertag: KSI Tr1cky Gamertag: KSIxxRAPTOR Gamertag: redclovers252 @redclovers252 Award: Basic Training Any evidence if required: Hosted by myself on 12/6/18
    1 point
  8. Mentalist is really a guy you have to appreciate. He does so much work for our division, most of it we don't see. But that's just his job. What isn't his job is always talking to new people. making sure everyone in the division is happy and having a good time. and simply being a great guy through and through. but he does all that anyway. because he truly cares for not only this community and our division, but also for every member here.hes always extremely positive and lifting everyone's spirits. rather it be by telling everyone good morning and starting his day off with making sure his members are having a good day. or just chilling in a party and playing with everyone. while i mostly join so that i can hear him rage at cod its great just hanging out with him. hes a fountain of knowledge and you can ask him anything anytime and he'll answer it or point you to someone who can. i haven't seen anyone as dedicated as mentalist in a long time. i am very proud to serve under him and i hope he teaches me a lot over the coming months. I'm proud he finally got nominated for this because he really does deserve it. he hasn't been here long but i feel he's going to leave a mark. i love him like a brother and i am happy and proud for him to be leading us,
    1 point
  9. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Eyonia 7 Forums Account Link @KSI Eyonia 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43258-ksi-eyonia-7/ Reason they deserve this award: Eyo has been there for me since ive been in ksi plus she has worked her butt of to keep ES alive and for that i look at her as a mentor Category: GENERAL Gamertag: KSI SN1P3RB055 Forums Account Link @KSI SN1P3RB0552 Reason they deserve this award: there's more than one reason i can name off for my gen snipe... well he's been a gen since may trying to bring back a "dead" squad back witch a lot of people would have given up and i respect him as a person because other people you would just given up but he hasn't he has good leader ship with her officers and other ksi members hes not just a gen to me he's also a mentor to me
    1 point
  10. Reese's because I'm just that perfect mix of creamy and nutty lol
    1 point
  11. I would like to say I am rocky road because im sweet but mean!
    1 point
  12. DIVISION LEADER Gamertag: KSI Eyonia 7 (Div Lead - ES) Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43258-ksi-eyonia-7/ Reasons they deserve this award: Since I first met Eyo, she has improved her leadership skills by leaps and bounds. From being harassed by outside communities, to having to take over when a previous leader backed out, no matter the issue she is always right there to step up to the plate. Eyonia is extremely organized, and never has to be asked twice to finish a task. She is efficient and manages her time between all squads within the division. The best thing about her, is that she is consistent in all of the qualities listed above. She pours her heart into ES and KSI, and supports her members and even members from other divisions to the best of her ability. She's always willing to listen and advise, help with gamertag changes, promote events, get teams together for the annuals, and she motivates her 7's staff to be the best they can be. Eyonia goes above and beyond for her division, not because she's asked or expected to, but because she wants to. Even when the odds are stacked against her, she still manages to come out on top! GENERAL: Gamertag: KSI ROCKDOGG (GEN - Knights - SL) Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43736-ksi-rockdogg/ Reasons they deserve this award: There were a couple people that I had in mind for this nomination, but there was just no way that I couldn't put this member down. ROCKDOGG is an excellent motivator for his squad and division as a whole. Somehow on top of that, he manages to bring in recruit after recruit, not just for his squad, but in the past.. for other squads as well. If you happen to be in his squad, you have not only an amazing General, but you come out with a good friend. He cares deeply for his members, and will go above and beyond to help in any way that he can. He manages his squad and officers very well, as everything is always organized and scheduled in a timely manner. ROCKDOGG definitely pays attention to detail and this has trickled down through his officer staff, who are all well trained. His squad is active and friendly, and that can be mostly attributed to the great job of their General! SGT/SSGT: Gamertag: KSI ApexWolf (4th LT - Banshee - ES) Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42270-ksi-apexwolf/ Reasons they deserve this award: I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with this member before I got moved out of ES, but while I was there, he made a lasting impression. Before he even moved into an officer position, all he wanted to do was help his squad in any way that he could. Always looking for ways to involve members in squad or divisional activities, and trying to help bring new people in by finding new ways to recruit. He works hand in hand with other officers and divisional leadership to benefit those around him. Having someone that motivated at the very start can only bring good things to a squad. MEMBER: Gamertag: KSI Greenday 7 (4th CPT - Royalty - SL) Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16245-ksi-greenday-7/ Reasons they deserve this award: I have nothing to say but good things about this member. A huge supporter of KSI as a whole. Greenday communicates extremely well with her squad and upper leadership alike. Throughout her time here, she has mentored many members. There is not a single person that I have seen in my time here that promotes and motivates others to participate in events. She is SL's personal cheerleader. Greenday has her hands in just about every area of KSI. She's active in web-ops, clan-ops, and department ops. She promotes the forums, answering everyone's questions in a timely manner. Greenday is the Co-Head of the HSI Team, a Judge, a Forums Moderator, a Marketing Rep, and a 4th Captain of Royalty, as well as a mother! Who has that kind of time? Greenday, that's who. This amazing woman deserves some recognition for all of the work and time that she gives us! DEPARTMENT MEMBER: Gamertag: KSI ShadowFoxx (1LT - Discord - DM) Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40861-ksi-shadowfoxx/ Reasons they deserve this award: As the head of T&E, I am extremely grateful to have ShadowFoxx as a member of the team. She is knowledgeable in everything that she does. If she has any type of question, she will seek out the information she needs. She signs up to host events as often as she can, even though she has a busy work schedule. She comes to almost every meeting with ideas for new events, whether we decide to run them or not. Being a member of productions as well, she makes communication very easy between the two. ShadowFoxx will go out of her way to make my job easier as well. When we are running annual events, she will volunteer to host almost every day, and I know I can always depend on her to be there on time and ready to be at her best.
    1 point
  13. Team Captain: KSI Cherry 7 Division: The Cherry on Top Teammate: KSI BadKitty 7 Division: Cat Benatar of the Milky Way Teammate: KSI Gambit 7 Division: The Potato Survivor of the Famine
    1 point
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