Category: CPT
Gamertag; KSI Assassin0
Forums Account Link / @; @KSI Assassin0
Reasons they deserve this award - I have seen this member rise in the ranks from when he first joined KSI to now, he puts his heart into all the work that he does for his squad. He always has an upbeat personality even when things get tough. I’m honored to know this guy and to have had the chance to work with him.
Category: LT
Gamertag: KSI ShadowFoxx
Foruma Account Link / @; @KSI ShadowFoxx
Reason they deserve this award- She has gone all out in helping with getting Discord back on track. She teamed up with me to help make a spread sheet for us officers to help keep track of our members and what’s going on. She is always ready to welcome new members into the family and tries her best to get recruits even though she works at night. It has been a great honor getting to know her and work with her as an officer. She is an amazing officer and can’t wait to see how far she goes.
Category: Member
Gamertag; KSI InvalidUser
Forums Account Link / @; @KSI InvalidUser
Reasons they deserve this award - This guy.. since he’s come to discord he has helped bring the activity back to the squad whether it be on discord with his good morning messages or on Xbox by getting members to play siege and have fun. Watching this guy grow into his own officer and having the privilege to work with him. He’s always willing to learn and work even when we have a “vacation”. Invalid is an awesome guy to know and to have help teach about playing siege to members who want to try it out.