I have not worked with King nearly as much as I have seen his impact on this community. This leader is full of ideas, determination, and a willingness to grow and learn. I have seen him, many times, go out of his way to support his members in more ways than one.
When I was going through a rough time, King reached out to me and gifted me a game on Xbox that my squad played - I did not have the funds to purchase the game myself at the time. This game meant more than just a game, this game allowed for me to feel so much more in tune with this community. He asked for nothing in return, other than my enjoyment of the game and of KSI.
When I worked with King as a division leader, he was stubborn, headstrong, and passionate. Everything he did was for his members and for his division. He still maintains these qualities, only now in a much better manner. Members throughout this community look up to him. He has grown as a leader substantially and nowadays, I am proud to call him my arch nemesis.