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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2018 in all areas

  1. King is a very great leader. One who I feel is very outstanding compared to the rest of the co founders in KSI. Take a look at him for a second. In the past 1.5 years King took DR a division that was low in members, and help make its split to CD possible. He has the paved the way for new leadership. He has been a very active Join Mod as well. Now recently King has become a Forums Moderator, and is making sure the forums is safe everyday. Throughout his time in KSI, King has earned many achievements that he deserved because of his Outstanding Service to the community.
    2 points
  2. Team Captain: KSI AllStarRM17 Div: CD Teammate: KSI Fewstwriter Div: CD
    1 point
  3. I can witness for this Way before RestinPeace was even a 7 he was one of my members back in DR, Coming in off of his rejoin app he came into Paragon DR where I can most definitely say he surpassed the required amounts for these awards. I'm proud of you buddy!
    1 point
  4. there is no doubt in my mind that KSI xKing 77 deserves this award. ever since joining KSI the guy has had my back and he is always pushing me to do and be my best. he is a true friend that always makes time for everyone and you can go to him with anything and everything and even if he can’t help he will sure as hell try.. even when he is faced with his own difficulties in life he still puts the members needs before his own. he is trusting, selfless and loyal to a fault and his service to the community doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. he is compassionate and willing to help others, even when they aren’t willing to help themselves and that is why i believe he deserves this.
    1 point
  5. You know getting factual evidence is kinda hard for most people, but looking at everything this member has done it came to me as a shock seeing he hasn't received this award. Join mod hands down the best one sorry but he is! If I got a guy sitting there waiting i message king I kid you not 30 seconds later he jumps on and messages me I got you bro. Po side of the house honestly Havoc has a band of misfits to work with but he loves us haha but king in my opinion stands above us. He is over 2 Divs and the hardest ones I might add and has successfully got the ball rolling in places even I couldn't. His outstanding goes beyond being just being a member but going above and beyond and creating last friendships between members always checking up on them. He does it all then some. I'm proud and honoured I could right for you king
    1 point
  6. I would like to witness for this award. King is one of the most dedicated and committed members of this community! He has been here for a hot minute and his level of knowledge is outstanding ! Although I am a higher rank than King, he still teaches me new things and new approaches to the way I run the Division! He has been acting General of Samurai for a little while now, and through his hard work and dedication he had brought a squad that was on the brink of closing to a squad that is very active and one that holds so much potential in the officer staff! It has been such a pleasure working with King! His unique leadership techniques are a credit to him and all his work that he has achieved! Keep up the great work my brother ! You are the real MVP!
    1 point
  7. I will witness for Akame. Now this witness is going to be majority for his first time in KSI. Akame was a spunky Captain when I met him, he ran his squad - legend LS under Mufasa - You old folks in here will remember him. He ran it like a ship captain, or rather like one of the best officers I have ever seen. All organisation was done by him, started by him and then passed to the relevant person or he was at least present for it. He never missed a gamenight, nor a squad event or Meeting - He usually hosted most of the Officer meetings and When his general was not present he was always there. When I promoted him to General, he did not miss a beat - Continuing to train his officer staff to be one of the best in the division, and teaching them more than the usual officer things. He made them highly competent and comfortable with conflict resolution. The squads activity topped the division under Akame and eventually he was promoted into the Divisional 7s team - as a co founder. I unfortunately had to watch this from the side lines as I had moved to EF however I saw him move from Co founder throughght (co div?) Division Leader. He grew LS to a size which was unseen in that division for many years, 350+ members, and potentially looking at the first LS division split in the better part of half a decade! He has a quality that few leaders have - He uses his position not to grow his ego and throw it around, to grow his "power" and "authority" but to better the community for his members, and he does the dirty work to ensure that they are able to enjoy themselves and not have to worry about the "Other stuff". Kudos to you Akame, keep it up.
    1 point
  8. I'll be dropping my vote to witness for this nomination. @KSI Akame 7 has been leading and overseeing Last Strike for more than 3 months now. As the highest ranking officer in our Division, he IS the heartbeat of LS. I'd also argue he's personally responsible for many of the things that make LS so great. Leading his 7's Staff, mentoring Generals within the Division, hosting Certified Workshops, attending squad gamenights and managing our current Head Hunters team are just some of the things he's been doing. Akame brings immense energy to every aspect of KSI he's involved in. His passion for the community is only matched by his loyalty for its members. Sometimes it can be hard for Leaders to find a balance between "being a friend" and "being in charge". Akame has managed to lead the Division with a firm, wise hand and yet also maintain strong friendships with numerous members and officers alike. He's been an amazing role model for new officers and rejoining members. It would be a hard task to find a member in LS who didn't think highly of him. The phrase "With age comes maturity" comes to mind...and it's usually true. Akame is an exception, however. Sometimes maturity doesn't wait for age. Sometimes there are people who are MEANT to lead by example and make a difference early on. Being a young, EFFECTIVE leader has earned him the respect and trust of every officer in LS - myself included. Because of his continued accomplishments, perseverance and dedication as the CoDivision Leader of Last Strike, I believe KSI Akame 7 more than deserves OS Level 2.
    1 point
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