I will witness for Akame.
Now this witness is going to be majority for his first time in KSI.
Akame was a spunky Captain when I met him, he ran his squad - legend LS under Mufasa - You old folks in here will remember him.
He ran it like a ship captain, or rather like one of the best officers I have ever seen.
All organisation was done by him, started by him and then passed to the relevant person or he was at least present for it.
He never missed a gamenight, nor a squad event or Meeting - He usually hosted most of the Officer meetings and When his general was not present he was always there.
When I promoted him to General, he did not miss a beat - Continuing to train his officer staff to be one of the best in the division, and teaching them more than the usual officer things. He made them highly competent and comfortable with conflict resolution.
The squads activity topped the division under Akame and eventually he was promoted into the Divisional 7s team - as a co founder.
I unfortunately had to watch this from the side lines as I had moved to EF however I saw him move from Co founder throughght (co div?) Division Leader.
He grew LS to a size which was unseen in that division for many years, 350+ members, and potentially looking at the first LS division split in the better part of half a decade!
He has a quality that few leaders have - He uses his position not to grow his ego and throw it around, to grow his "power" and "authority" but to better the community for his members, and he does the dirty work to ensure that they are able to enjoy themselves and not have to worry about the "Other stuff".
Kudos to you Akame, keep it up.