Hello all!
Over the past few weeks we have been reworking how to apply for/how we look at Oustanding Service nominations!
Here's what to do;
First up make sure you know the requirements for the OS level you are nominating for found right here http://www.ksiforums.org/awards
Second follow these guidelines:
Nominate the nominee for the OS Tier that matches their rank - after the AAP Team feels like there isnt any new information in the witness statements, they will decided if there is enough there to award the level being nominated for, or the tiers below.
E.G. A Director is up for Outstanding Service level 3 and doesn't have any other OS awards - There has been 10 or more Witnesses statements from their peers but not enough for Level 3, Level 1 and Level 2 will be awarded. The topic will then be moved into the OS Archive ready for when they reapply for OS3.
Also, if you are up for an Outstanding Service award there is no "campaigning" for these awards. I. E. Posting in group discord chats, or links in the shout box, etc. Advertising "I'm up for OS lvl _ go vote for me."
What does this all mean?
Basically make sure you are nominating a person for the level of Oustanding Service that matches their rank!
Happy nominating!
KSI RiiOT 7 and The AAP Department