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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xShock 7 (SSGT - DW/Paladin) Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI xShocK 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Since coming back to KSI he has shown the dedication it takes to move back up to be a officer. He brings a good sense of urgency to get his daily tasks done along with his goals for the week. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see your next move in KSI. 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKing 77 (COFO - DW) Link to forums account or @ mention - @xKing 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - King is always there for you ro answer any questions you have about KSI. He makes time to get all of his responsibilities as a co-founder done with his busy work schedule. He has organized many successful events for the divisions and I appreciate his diligence with the join section on the forums. Keep up the great work br.
    2 points
  2. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxNebula (General- DW/Hannibal)Link to forums account or @ mention - @Nebula~Reasoning why they deserve this - He has pushed me and encouraged me to make my way up through the ranks and to recruit. He also is one of the first to invite me to play a game. 7Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gary 7 (Division Leader- DW/Hannibal)Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI Gary 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Hops into parties and makes sure we enjoy our time in the game.
    2 points
  3. Nebula 7

    May Monthly Spotlight!

    Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze General of Paladin DW Link: @KSI xKamikaze Reasoning: Kam is all over the place, he's always helping people inside the community, and always puts 110% into each part of the community. His old Squad Samurai has recently spilt after their hard work! He is a big part of DW and the way it works. Kamikaze is always helping in whatever ways he can, whether talking to members when their down, to giving advice with his large amount of knowledge! Kamikaze has been going above and beyond for some time now, I think he deserves a light in the spotlight!
    2 points
  4. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKamikaze (1CPT - DW/SAMURAI)Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI xKamikazeReasoning why they deserve this - Kamikazi is the hardest working member I know. He mentors everyone he can. He equips his lower officers with the tools and knowledge needed, and he is a master of member retention. 7Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Havoc 7Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI Havoc 7Reasoning why they deserve this - He is the most down to earth and kind founder I know. He's an amazing leader, he takes hours of his day to let individual members know he cares. He works hard to ensure all officers and leaders in DW are equipped with tools and knowledge needed to be great.
    2 points
  5. Team Captain: KSIXxDropShotxX Division: DL Teammate: Toxix3838 Division: DL Teammate: XxKSIWORMxX Division: DL
    1 point
  6. Team Captain: KSI AllStarRM17 CD Teammate: KSI R3V 7 CD Teammate: KSI Delta05 CD
    1 point
  7. KSI RiiOT 7


    Yes it's the archive that we will be using for Oustanding Service topics from now on
    1 point
  8. Team Captain: KSI OddBa11 Div: DM Teammate: KSI Galaxy Div: DM Teammate: KSI Sublimedtax Div: DM
    1 point
  9. Team Captain: KSIxR3JECT3D Division: WD Teammate: KSI RedSoldier Division: WD Teammate: KSI KillerWolf69 Division: WD
    1 point
  10. Team Captain: KSIxETR Division: DW Teammate: KSIxNebula Division:DW Teammate: KSI xShocK 7 Division:DW
    1 point
  11. This man has indeed wasted his life. Wasted Life: Yes
    1 point
  12. Member Gamertag - (Rank/ Divison/ Squad) : KSI Bender (General, Hellcat, Forced Induction) Link to forums account: @Isnana ISK Reason: Bender became General recently but has shown has been a great example of a leader, his encouragement got me out of my slump with everything going on and believes I can do anything in this division and has been showing me how to train properly and introduce me to some awesome people as well as helping me in some games so I can play with people more! 7 Gamertag - (Rank/ Division) : KSI BLICKY 7 (Co Founder, Forced Induction) Link to forums account: @KSI BLICKY 7 Reason: Blicky being a new 7 in FI has taken the liberty of helping out our 360 squad get more involved withthe General and has been getting on everyone's butts for our latest headhunters and pumping everyone up! He's stern but knows how to get the job done and it gets done very quick and efficantly.
    1 point
  13. Team Captain Ksi Elluchadoor Division Fi Teamnate Ksi sou7hern88 Division Fi Teammate Ksi DoubleDeuce Division Fi
    1 point
  14. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI God Zeus (GEN – DM/DISCORD) Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI God Zeus Reasoning why they deserve this – “Bryan” as I know him deserves this award because of his exemplary performance as a newly-minted General. I view Bryan as a type of coach who is always pushing his squad to do better and to be better - every. single. day. Since our squad is without a Captain at the moment, Bryan is right there in the trenches with the rest of his officers recruiting, training, promoting, and making new members feel welcome. Essentially, Bryan does the work of both a Captain and a General simultaneously, while continuing to keep our Division very well-informed of KSI-related items through his Marketing Department duties (timely and consistently posting detailed Marketing Department information with links in DM’s Discord Server). Bryan currently wears many hats, and he wears them all very, very well. Bryan serves as a role model officer, both inspiring and instilling confidence in all who surround him. 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI FluffyPup 7 (COFO – DM) Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI FluffyPup 7 Reasoning why they deserve this – “Kyle” as I know him deserves this award not only because he is one of the most grounded, down-to-earth people I’ve met thus far in my entire time in KSI, but also because I can always count on Kyle for an honest, transparent answer to absolutely any question/concern I bring to him. If an issue arises (no matter how large or small), Kyle handles said issue with both precision and candor. Furthermore, Kyle is extremely active as an everyday gamer, and I truly appreciate this. He takes the opportunity to stream new games on Mixer, generate frequent posts on DM’s Discord server concerning gaming news/sales, and truly enjoys engaging other members in conversations about the gaming world. Without pause (or without me even having to ask for his help), Kyle personally helped me through countless hours of Destiny 2 missions/side quests in the middle of the night. Lastly, and to better serve our Division’s officers/aspiring officers, Kyle went far above and beyond by creating a dedicated Discord server entitled KSI: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. By doing so, Kyle saved our officers countless hours by placing vital information in one easy-to-navigate area. He included dedicated channels for our Code of Conduct, Handbook, recruiting/training procedures, Division-wide rank structure (which is updated regularly), as well as forum links to roll-call, activity log, and Division notes.
    1 point
  15. Member - Gamertag: KSI Ruby Rank: Gen Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44806-ksi_ruby/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjM4ODE0LCJpZF8yIjo3NzMzMjV9 Reason why they deserve this award: This girl has been coming into her own more and more as a newly promoted General. While I wish she was given better circumstances when she got the squad such as having more officers but I had no reason to believe she would fail. Noone cares more for their members than her, I have watched her stick to her guts when it comes to promoting officers even if she could of been more lenient. She knows what she needs to succeed and has no fear grinding it out to get it. Expect her to have 2 7's in her name very soon!
    1 point
  16. Team Name: Better Devils Division: DM Team Manager: KSI Blood 7 Team Captain: KSI Breakfast 7 Team members by rank (Seats 1-4): KSI Hothouse Eh KSI Orbital JP KSI God Zeus KSI Breakfast 7 Team Alternates (Seats 5-8): MrDestiny2 KSI Mootew KSI Dragons 7 KSI Sombra
    1 point
  17. MemberGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Yuna4321 SGT EO/TalonLink to forums account or @ mention - @KSI Yuna4321Reasoning why they deserve this - He has given us so many ideas and he's a good sport and helps out new members with making friends and much more 7Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Skarzx 77 Founder EOLink to forums account or @ mention - @Scarface 77Reasoning why they deserve this - He has been a great influence on me and my members including new and old officers he can brighten up the room like 0-100 real quick==========================
    1 point
  18. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Gratz u failed (CPL EO Volatile)Link to forums account or @ mention -@Gratz U FailedReasoning why they deserve this - Gratz is an outstanding member. He goes above and beyond as a CPL in ensuring all myers are happy and satisfied in our squad. He plays with new members and teaches them how things are ran around here. For a member he is on top of things always attending meetings and gamenights. He is an amazing member and friend to everyone. He comes straight to officers when any issue occurs and makes sure to be kind and respectful to all members. He is fun and goofy when hanging out and serious and alerting when needed. 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad): KSI Skarzx 77 (Founder - EO) Link: @Scarface 77 Reasoning why they deserve this: Skarzx is a leader. There isn't a soul alive that I know who can lead a party like him. Whether it's workshop or just talking and playing a game with the man, you will learn something. He is a mentor to many including myself. He helps the little guys even at the position he holds. I've seen him talk to SGTs & CPLs and pursuade them to be an officer. I'e seen him speak to SSGTs and help them out with any issues they have I know because when I was one he helped me out. He invited me to a party on the day of my first workshop he wanted to know a few things and after I was nervous so I asked if hew had tips on hosting and workshop. He told me not to stress it and to get the party silent and say what needed to be said. He influenced me as a young officer and helped me through and through. Today I'm proud to be a Gen that was taught be so many amazing people but forever Skarzx will be one of the best mentors and leaders I have ever come to know.
    1 point
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