Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI xKamikaze- Samurai DW 3CPT
Link to forums account or @ mention -
@KSI xKamikazeReasoning why they deserve this -
Kamikaze has been working very hard this month, making sure that people are up to date on events and to get people participating in Spring Break! I believe he is a outstanding member and is what a future leader looks like within a division, and KSI as a Whole.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI xKing 77 DW CofounderLink to forums account or @ mention-
@xKing 77
Reasoning why they deserve this -
King has recently been promoted to Co-founder again, and immediately went to work into making the division stronger and have more member retention. When Spring break was announced DW almost had all the teams filled in a few days, he is never afraid to tell a member what they can do to be better and isn't afraid to help them become a better leader. King is a great example of what a 7 leadership could and should be within a divisional level.