I've known Guyy in a couple of different capacities, including as my superior and as a member of my performance operations team. Guyy is always striving to do things by the book, and by doing them in the image of the KSI way. He is a constant source of information for his members and officers, and is an all-round excellent person to talk to. Early in the process of the Community Education Project and Performance Operations he helped to write rough drafts for what would later become the workshops that are being rolled out throughout the community at the present time. In addition to this, he provided an invaluable voice in talking about what the future of training in this community should look like. He provided ideas and thoughts that hadn't been considered, and without him, I'm not sure we would have been as succesful as we currently are. He was a huge springboard for me, and helped me think through several ideas that I've now implemented. In fact, I could always count on Guyy for giving me pushback that was needed to make sure I thought something through all of the way.
In addition to all of this though, Guyy was one of the people who I would claim as my "new age KSI mentors". He helped show me the way in a community that I had been away from for a very long time, which in turned helped to give me the context necessary for my current position in the community. Without him and others like him, I would have been another old KSI member lost in the wind.