KSI.org has a lot of members that need recognition do to the feeling of team work commitment and sacrifice of their time they put into this community. I would like to list a few I know on a personal level and understand that we need all members to share some of there commitment to grow in a positive selfless way. Some people like to do things to "Rank Up" and nothing is wrong with that others do it because they believe in the real KSI.org Community experience and what it stands for. The stand outs that I have noticed are the following and I will try to describe "Why". The list is not in any order they are all important to get that out the way:
KSI Kalakoi 77 as CPT of the Year. (He is GEN of ABADDON WD now) or GEN of the Month . http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/11784-kalakoi/
He rejoined KSI.org a while ago when I was 3rd CPT and I noticed him as a do'er and he had suggestions without any preconception that it was the only way to do something. He would bounce Ideas back and forth to grow them into something. He never asked for a position but i thought he would be a great addition to our staff. Since then he has always gone over and above working with everyone in KSI.org not just Squad related. He introduced and even set up "Discord" for WD on his own creating chat rooms for all squads under WD officers squads for each in WD and more. Very positive and willing to help. If you ever get to know him he is what he is on the game or off the game. He surprised me one time when a member left that he knew for a while and he deleted him, I asked him why. He said that If he didn't like what was going on he should had worked on fixing them to help KSI out not just quit if he had personal reasons I would understand. This showed me commitment to this community
KSI Trendies 7 CoDiv of the year (Now a Director) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34187-ksi-trendies-7/
On many occasions, I was unsure if there was anyone above him because issues would always be answered and never had wait long for an answer. Committed Unselfishly by giving his time to the Community. On many occasions he was spread thin trying to keep everyone informed on KSI Business with very little 7 staff in our DIV. Willing to step in and give anyone a hand also very respectful to everyone. I feel like I can always go to him and ask a question no matter what DIV he is over and will get and respectable answer not "Why are You asking me?" He will always ask if He can help but he will always give respect to the others staff and Chain of Command that he is might be answering for by saying "Check with them, don't just go by what I said". He is very committed to this community and it spreads through out his staff. If you get to know him he legitimately cares and wants to make a difference. Also Known as "Grandpa Gary" FYI
KSI MrWabbit 7 Co-Fo of the year (Now a SGT in ABADDON) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/32747-ksi-mr-wabbit-7/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjM1MzMzLCJpZF8yIjo3Mjc2Mzh9
At one time I wasn't sure about his age and position but notice his devotion of growth in the community and to make it the best. When I got to know him he was open about himself and what he need to learn and was willing to ask. Having someone ask for help with an issue showed me he was willing to learn and get better personally and in the community.He worked hard with forums and tried to make it easier to navigate by creating new topics and quick links. Stepping down to complete his last Year in High school after reaching Founder showed me he respected the community knowing he could not do what the job required based on school activities. Hats off to you young man.
KSI Cherry 7 Div leader of the month http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34399-cherry/
Because I'm Scared of her LOL,
No seriously She has been someone I have respected watching from afar for a while. She came from a 360 squad and took over a XBox One squad as GEN and made it better and that was hard to do based on the people in that squad that think they deserve it. Most people would had said no because of it. With her Knowledge and commitment, she took this on based on the people at the time could not handle it in that squad. She set up structure and made it fun and that is what its all about. Since then she has been promoted up and has earned it by being Very respectful but not a push over and definitely gives you room to do your job not being a Dictator. She is still in contact with her members and active by having game nights and helping where needed Loves new ideas to help KSI grow and have fun for everyone. She has never forgotten an officers position is a volunteer position but still need to perform to keep us strong and united as a community. She is a true leader and Thanks for being there, its not an easy volunteer job.
There are several others I would like to nominate but I don't know their Forums account to link too.