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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2017 in all areas

  1. Category: Founder Gamertag: KSI Breakfast 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28683-breakfast/ Reasons they deserve this award: Breakfast is a level-headed individual who knows how to get the job done. He works hard to help squads with issues that may arise, and stays calm in doing so. He has also taken the lead in organizing our division’s discord channel, making it the best that it could be. Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day, but also a person who the whole division has come to respect. I feel, and I’m sure other members in the division do as well, that I can go to him with any issue and he will be willing to hear me out and offer advice. Breakfast has been recently promoted to Founder for all the amazing things he has accomplished as a Co-Founder, which is why he deserves this award. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Hokage 7 (KSI Hype soap) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40911-hype-soap/ Reasons they deserve this award: Running a whole squad can be a difficult task. Hype soap is very devoted to his squad and has stuck it out when things have gotten tough. When his members want someone to party up and play a game with, he is always there to join them and definitely never leaves a member behind. He has a great sense of humor and can joke around with his members, but also takes his job as a general seriously. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI MUDD DIGGER http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39963-ksi-mudd-digger/ Reasons they deserve this award: When I first joined KSI Mudd was there to show me the ropes, to help introduce me to other KSI members and to just overall make me feel welcome into the squad. At the time, Mudd was acting Gen so he had a lot more responsibilities to take care of. But it meant a lot to me that he was there to help me feel at home, as well as to help other new recruits and members feel welcome. Mudd cares a lot about his members. Even though we all have things going on in real life, he has been very sensitive of other member’s feelings and has been around when people need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, often putting others’ needs before his own. Mudd was the first to help train me to become an officer; he showed me how things were done from the very beginning. Now, Mudd is a general. He is a very dedicated individual who truly cares about his members and has worked hard to get to where he is today. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI JessiRedJet http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43345-ksi-jessiredjet/ Reasons they deserve this award: Jessi is by far one of the best officers I know, which is why I am nominating her as best Lieutenant. There is never a dull moment when she is present in a party or on discord. Even though she loves to joke around and poke fun at people, she takes things very seriously when need be. She has such a warm personality that makes new members feel at home almost instantaneously. The two of us have brought our squad back to life, and I truly could NOT have done it without this woman. She has been there to help with messaging every single Prodigy member, through planning game nights, and attending tournaments and events to help represent our division and squad. Jessi is always there when you need her and is happy to address any questions that new and old members may have. This woman definitely deserves MAJOR appreciation. Category: Member Gamertag: BEACH LOVER 17 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44949-beach_lover_17/ Reasons they deserve this award: Beach has been a very active member, attending every squad meeting, workshop, and WW2 game night. He also loves attending tournaments within KSI. He knows the recruiting process by heart (he should definitely be a SGT or higher) and isn’t afraid to ask any questions. Great member with a great personality and knows how to make light of any negative situation.
    1 point
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