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  1. OS LvL 1(Bronze): I have worked with BMP on and off for three years. I met him when he was freshly promoted as Cofounder, I was reassigned from HD to assist DL as every other leader besides BMP had abandoned post. I'm going to repeat myself because this fact alone is outstanding in and of itself as he literally was promoted on a Thursday and by the following Monday every other division level leader abandoned their post, BMP, and the division. Against all odds, which includes but is not limited to five to six squads with no less than four game types up to six in one, all in the Xbox 360 at the time with one to two squads without gens, BMP stuck it out and stayed. BMP took part in the reorganization of DL which had resulted in the divisions survival as members back then were discouraged having had been through turmoil and being abandoned by their other leaders. We took six squads down to four, assigned those squads game types ranging from Call of Duty Black Ops 2 through CoD AW. At that time BMP was not only needed to train and operate as a cofo but was needed as a General or a squad that had no General and limited officers. If it was not for BMP stepping up Dark Legions would be in the grave yard today. I want you guys to consider one more thing, at the risk of not getting to personal, he was doing all of this while dealing with the struggles of steady living arrangements and fought through it for as long as he could. BMP would eventually have to step down, but came back and played a part in along leading DL to a new frontier the Xbox ONE. That squad is still the premier Call of Duty squad on the Xbox one for DL. Outside of what I've already mentioned, BMP is a vast wealth of experience, history, and knowledge. BMP is very aware of his divisions both DL and ES as well as the community as a whole. BMP is a very welcoming person and very socable and is open to sharing in his experiences and knowledge as well as introducing his members to his and their leaders. Through life's struggles and everyday events BMP is still here where others would have given up and has a very bright future for himself in the community. This isn't hard and he's very deserving and I think it's something to say all of that what I've said I'd submit for his helping hand nomination. I can't stress enough, when DL was at us most crucial and vulnerable moment of 85 members and abandoned in turmoil by its other leaders BMP stuck around to help and make sure DL survived and the members had somebody to rely on for help on various issues and topics. It would be too much to go into specifics and to be honest that was three years ago and I'll be honest I don't remember everything, but I do know without him DL was sketchy of me and he most definitely helped me break the ice and get where I am today, if that doesn't mean something coming from a senior director, I don't know what does. good luck and good day.
    1 point
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