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  1. KSI Mpliers 7 has impacted me on a personal level as well as a professional level from day one it didn't matter what rank I was He would always keep jumping into my parties and would always making sure I was enjoying my time in KSI, I remember when I was doing my very first promotion someone from CPL to SGT and Pliers hopped into my party to see when I was up to and I told him I was going to be doing a promotion so as the wonderful leader he is he told me he would be right back, I assumed that he was going to be leaving the party when all of a sudden my party was maxed out with 7's from Co-Founder to Seinor Director.... It made me feel so scared and like I was going to mess up (I did because I was nervous totally said the wrong year, I think we went into the future) Pliers laughed with me on my mistake but didn't discourage me from continuing to do more promotions, because of him putting me in a situation where I was out of my comfort zone it made me become a better leader and forced me into a place where I would need to be if I wanted to go any higher in KSI. Whenever I was going to be doing anything from streaming a game night to hosting a meeting Pliers would always come in when he could to show his support. He didn't only show me the love of this community but also the passion, loyalty and support joining KSI gives you. I know I am not the only person that He has gone and done any of this to or for but because of his dedication he made me follow him with the passion of KSI and now KSI is apart of my daily life and I don't see a day where I won't feel this way just because of him going above and beyond what it means to be in KSI. Also because he brought all the 7's into my party with the now SGT, the SGT and I both got to see that just because someone has a 7 in their name doesn't mean you need to be afraid to speak to them because they are here for the same reason we all joined in the first place, to have fun. They will not judge you but support you and help you become the best you can be, and that is one of the many things pliers has done for me personally.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. @KSI Skarzx 77 "General and Officer Team (LT - CPT) have split a squad, only available to those who were part of the original officer staff and split."
    1 point
  5. KSIDarkxAngel 7 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24315-ksidarkxangel-7/ KSI HHooters 7 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39061-made-you-look/ KSI Budgie Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43271-ksi-budgie/ KSI Gary 7 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40003-asm-gary/
    1 point
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