First let me take some time to apologize to true this should have been posted a long time ago.
This is a no-brainer.
True has had an unorthodox trip through KSI. True was working her way the ranks in her squad but she had some life issues that forced her to step away. when she returned she started working hard from the start willing to help out new members and helped her squad grow. She eventually made it to CoFO. This is when True should have received this award. True was the only 7 in her div after all the other 7s left to join another community. She stepped to the challenge and rebuilt the 7s staff under her. True has continued to grow as a leader not only in clan ops but also in web ops. I could have also added that when Azeral and I promoted true to director from the codiv rank we placed a target on her back that could that put a lot of stress on her that she was able to over come but perhaps that can be for os lv2
I want to say that there is so much more to say about true and why she deserves this award