Although she can be a poop head at times true has definitely demonstrated time and time again outstanding service to this community. Wether it be through clan ops both times as she has risen through the ranks and helped out any and everyone she could or through web ops with both helping members further understand and get the word out about the aap system or her continued triumphs running a department with the news team and transitioning overlord impy out from a head position he held on to way longer than he would have liked. Trues compassion for this community goes above and beyond any normal member I've seen. Through trials and tribulations she's succeeded where many others do not in overcoming something in her personal life that caused het to have to leave the community she loved to work on her personal life only to come back a year later and hit the ground running to work her way back up and surpass where she left off and make it all the way up to the prestigious rank of senior director. She lives to help members ant way she can from buying members games that she couldn't necessarily afford but somehow made it work out. Her dedication to succeed in the face of many problems that others would give up flat out but she perserveered through them and has become a far better leader in there aftermath.