KSI W1CKED 7 - (Director - DR/LS)
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W1CKED is someone that knows how to get the job done precisely. He leads by example and gets his point across quickly and clearly, always with great logic behind it. He reaches out to anyone and not only helps them with issues, but will play with anyone, regardless of rank, or who they are within KSI. He knows how to have a good time and even teach you KSI related things while doing so sometimes as well. He goes above and beyond. Many people, myself included, are proud to call him not just a mentor, but a great friend too.
Co-Division Leader:
KSI bixby 7 - (Div Leader - DM)
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bixby has remained true to himself since he was a General from Lethal. He cares so much about DM, and is always super fun and cool to hang around. He knows how to spread his knowledge throughout not just DM, but all of KSI. He is a definitely a leader to look up to. He is there right away when you need him, and helps out with anything, anytime. If anything ever arises, bixby is on top of it, ready, willing and able to fix it. He has an awesome laid back and chill attitude when taking care of things like no other.
KSI Gambit 7 - (Founder - DM)
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Gambit is an overall great leader that knows how to get the job done efficient and effectively. He knows how to have fun, and is super professional when he needs to be. His voice is very commanding when he delegates responsibilities to people. He always knows the right thing to say and is always there for any issue at hand. His advice and help throughout DM is always super helpful. He helps out anyone and everybody, not only just as a leader, but as a friend to them as well.
KSI BadKitty 7 - (Co-Founder - DM)
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Kitty has established herself unlike no other that I have seen during my almost 5 year tenure here in KSI. She literally just came in to KSI with natural born leadership, immediately making an impact. I have nothing but the utmost respect for my great friend and former General, who put her heart and soul into Cruelty, making it like the family that it is today. She goes out of her way and helps out anyone in DM, and all members in KSI, regardless of what Division they're in. She is a huge asset to this community. She watches over her squads like they're her second child, and it means a lot to all the members. She knows how to solve a problem in a minute, and is literally always there when you need her to help with anything.
KSI x Karma 7 (General//LW/Caesar)
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Karma is there when you need someone to talk to, and has reached out to KSI universally. With her Global Discord chat that she created, along with helping anyone out in KSI, no matter what Division and squad they're in, her help is very greatly appreciated. She is an inspiration to all. She is super friendly, helpful and someone whom is very reliable. I am sure she will go very far within KSI.
KSI Igan - (Captain/DM/Cruelty)
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Igan is someone that transformed into an amazing Captain very quickly that is always willing to help anyone out, anytime. He'll go out of his way, whether that be staying up all night, and always putting others before himself. He will help members out, in and even out of the squad and Division. He is the right hand man anyone would want. He looks at issues from every angle, and is never afraid to speak up, which I highly respect him for. I am so proud to see how much he's accomplished, and can't wait to see his future endeavors as a General when Cruelty splits.
KSI Gruntier - (Lieutenant/DM/Cruelty)
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Gruntier is someone that is a role model to all in his squad. His actions always speak louder than his words. When he does speak, it comes straight from the heart. His leadership is a force to be reckoned with. Whether it comes to training, recruiting, assisting, etc; he is there whenever you need him. I am proud to have seen this genuine guy come into KSI, literally like a wrecking ball. He always strives to be better and is always willing to not just teach others and help out with any issue, but learn more during the process of doing so. He is blunt and honest when he speaks and is a Lieutenant that I rarely see, aka, by going above and beyond his duties to do whatever will get the job done.
KSI Mitch (SSGT/DM/Cruelty)
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Mitch is one of the most humble members I have ever seen, as a person. Hes morphed into an amazing SSGT. He is always eager to promote and train new members, recruit and help out with just about anything. Anything you ask, he will do it. Also, he is always there for new members coming into the squad, basically being a one man Welcoming Committee at times. He has the utmost respect of all the members and goes out of his way to even just play games with them, making them feel Welcome and helping them out along the way. His assistance and company are very beneficial to the entire squad and KSI as a whole.