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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2017 in all areas

  1. I would like to nominate KSI Kalakoi 77 of ABADDON WD I did not know him when he was a member years ago but He has come back to KSI as a rejoin and since then has always put the squad and members first while still helping other members out no matter the division. this is why he has moved up in rank, He has donated in many ways to ABADDON and to our Division by creating a Discord server with rules, Information, Chat room for both ABADDON an WD. He goes out of his way sign members up on Forums and then hold a class every Monday to teach them how to navigate through forums. I have never heard anyone say something bad about him and that goes a long way with a large squad. He is a dedicated KSI member and will not waste his time with people who bad mouth or leave instead of trying to make it better. A true member and and dedicated. We have spent many hours sending emails back and forth Sharing ideas and trying to figure out how to make them work for our squad, I know I will probably leave some things out that he does because he puts so much out I cant keep up with it all. Very proud to have him with us and the time that i gotten to know him.
    1 point
  2. KSI BadKitty 7

    New name, who dis???

    New name, who dis???
    1 point
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