KSI Killer 7 has that can do attitude regardless of task or trial in any situation. KSI Killer 7 has spirit and enthusiasm that radiates through the mic that motivates and inspires leaders and members alike. Relentless until whatever needs done is done and then some. KSI Killer 7 a world away from most of his members, with no less than 4 hours plus ahead in time zones and has sacrificed many of nights of sleep which is punishing and grueling in and of itself, speaking from my own experiences of much the same, and what's more doesn't have that I'm tired leave me alone I'm a seven mentality, in today's environment that's something worth noting. KSI Killer 7 has managed multiple squad tags when needed which is above and beyond his duties as they are written. Communication is key to success and there is no one group of leaders that I've witnessed that does it better than LS but Killer actively contributes his as well as making sure everyone else is on the same page. In closing KSI Killer 7 is a model leader not only for his division but what KSI aspires it's leaders to be, high speed, highly motivated, highly dedicated.