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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2017 in all areas

  1. KSI Charming 7 - General of Elysium DR http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/19422-ksi-charming-7/ I am nominating Charming because he built up his squad up from 27 members 89 members in a month. He motivates people to be the best they can be. He helped organize Spring Break and made sure to have great players participate. He is very knowledgeable and loves helping others and does so happily. Charming has a great attitude towards everything thrown in his direction. When he was brought to look over Paragon, not everyone was on board at first, but he didn't allow that to stop him. He kept to his positive attitude and he continued to help us officers do our jobs efficiently. He is very easy to talk to and a great person. KSI MUDD DIGGER - 4th Captain of Paragon DR http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39963-ksi-mudd-digger/ Mudd is my mentor. He recruited me in and has been by my side ever since I joined KSI. He saw me as an officer before I even knew what being an officer was all about. He is always there teaching me new things. Aside from mentoring me, he is a great person. No matter what he has going on in his life outside of KSI, he is always there for me both KSI related and personally. I know I can always go to him for anything. He also takes care of business being a Captain. He makes those hard decisions even though he knows it may not be the most popular one. He sometimes thinks of himself as the villain but in reality he's the good guy. Mudd is always making sure everyone is getting along and being a family and if for some reason there is an issue, he is quick to help resolve it. KSI mostdeadly - 1st Lieutenant of Paragon DR http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39431-ksi-mostdeadly/ I see Deadly as my other mentor. He has been by my side ever since I met him. He has taught me a lot about KSI and the history of Paragon. He is always there for me making me feel welcome and included. He cares a lot about this squad. He never leaves anyone out and is always making sure everyone is having a good time. When I joined, I had no idea what quick scoping was and I was so used to gaming alone. He helped me with both. He taught me how to quick scope and taught me to accept that I don't have to game alone. He helped make me feel a part of this big family. I am very grateful to have met Deadly. He always joins in on game nights and hosts them. He helps the Captains in any way he can willingly and happily. When he sees or hears of another member being upset or having an issue, he is quick to get with them and resolve it. Deadly is always there for anyone who needs him. He loves to help others. He is a great Lt. and deserves to be recognized.
    1 point
  2. KSI ApBlis 7 - Co Founder of DR http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35643-ksi-apblis-7/ Blis is always there when you need her. Even though she doesn't look over Paragon at this moment, she is still there for us, keeps in contact and makes sure we are all doing well. She is very caring about everyone she meets and is easy to talk to. She was Gen when I joined KSI three months ago and she has never let her promotions give her an ego and she has never changed who she is. KSI Navy Pride - Member of Paragon DR http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41820-ksi-navy-pride/ I am nominating Navy because he is a great member and person. Even though he has school and is training for the Navy, he is always active with the squad whether it be in our chats, gaming, workshops and parties. He has been learning things very quickly and will make an amazing officer! I love being his mentor and I see greatness in him.
    1 point
  3. KSI HHooters 7

    Made you look

    Made you look
    1 point
  4. Awoken Lucifer

    made you look

    made you look
    1 point
  5. Division Leader KSI xTheKing 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16503-king-brother-nero/?tab=node_awards_Awards Reason: I think King has gone above and beyond to fight for his division, defend it, and keep it up and running. Every drama related issue, over dramatic problem, or just a simple question that shouldn't have even been brought to him, he pushed through, dealt with everything thrown at him, flattened the problems and squashed the tension along with still be able to positively promote activity and positive attitude through out the division and encourage everyone to work together and prove we are a family no matter how much we fight. He has truly shown that you can fight like enemies but at the end of the day be able to sit down and have a good family laugh and forget everything ever happened. That is a Div leader right here that has been the best of the month. General KSI Charming 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/19422-ksi-charming-7/ Reason: When I was a cofo and charming became a general over Elysium, I was amazing with his skills to stay on top of his officers, have fun, help out where ever he can, along with train his squad to rise in numbers on a tremendous level. Talking with him and seeing how he ran as a general was amazing, along with the motivation he had towards other squads was very positive. he has a very high spirited attitude but a strict tone to make sure nothing is going wrong and people are playing nice. He built a strong squad and never gave up and has taught his member the same before he moved up as a cofounder. This guy should get a General of the month! Captain KSI b1shotk3ll http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41043-ksi-b1shot3kill/ Reason: Seeing B1 go about his business as a member is amazing, he is always at the side of his leader and proves to push further than his goal. He has been very active along with promotes activity within his squad and assist his general with any ideas of events that come to hand. I constantly see his name pop up through out events, activities, or even new recruits! I believe he has just pushed to go out of his way to be what a captain should be and that's a fine definition of what a Captain of the month should be recognized for Lieutenant KSI Gallifrey http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41661-joethebandit/ Reason: Becoming the cofo over the squad of Elysium I got to know the officers and what they do. Gallifrey is one to stand out and step in to help with any issue that comes to hand regarding lower ranking members or his higher ranking members. He helps tremendously with those around him and hasn't given up in fulfilling the duties of a Lieutenant and helping the ranks below or above complete their duties to the best of their abilities, but of course with the up most positive attitude to ensure motivation is being influenced. A wonderful representation of a Lieutenant of the month. Member KSI BlackWolf86 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39033-ksi-blackwolf86/ Reason: This is a member that goes through a lot but always puts her feelings and responsibilities on the side to ensure everyone around her is up in spirits and are able to preform their duties as an officer or as a member. I've never been around her without a smile or a small sort of motivational speech to promote that positivity and push everyone to keep going. She is constantly getting back to people and helping them out when needed and when she is available along with sticking to fixing problems on her own and helping teach those to solve problems on their own. She is an amazing leader and someone who constantly picks people up and gives them that push to try again and not give up.If anyone should get this member award, it would be her.
    1 point
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