Gamertag : KSI HHooters 7
Rank: Co-Fo under
Award: Mentor
With KSI HHOOTERS recently becoming a 7 Ive had time to speak with her while she was a gen and be mentored by her gaining what information I need she has helped me as much as she can and I will always look up to her and hope I can be like her if not better in the future.
I think she deserves this award because no matter what situation she is in she always sees and brings out the best in people even her officers.
Gamertag- KSI Bearded 7
Rank-Co-division leader
Link to profile-
Reason- now a co-division Leader where did his time go lol, he has the entire division of LS with him and I don't know of one in that division that does not see him as their mentor.
Gamertag : KSI HHooters 7
Rank: Co-Fo under
Award: Mentor
This newly founded 7 has been the star of the squad. She's taught me so much since I joined. She's given me the inspiration to push for more and achieve the goals I set. She's always pushed me and believed in my capabilities. I wouldn't be where I am of she hadn't taken the time of day to be my mentor.
Achieve Greatness and Inspire the world. With her as a mentor I hope to keep ay her heels and achieve as much if not more then her ^-^
I class this person as my mentor during my time in paragon she pushed me to my limits to help me succeed to where I wanted to go, she puts so much effort into each and every member taking time to get to know everyone and creating a bond which makes her very approachable over all she's great at what she does :')
I witness KSI ApBlis 7 as my mentor. she has been a great help in the division of DR, and so many people look up to her, including me when she gives advice to me and when I do the same for her when we ranked up together
Gamertag: KSI ApBlis 7
Rank: DR Co-Fo
Link to profile:
I consider Apblis aka mom as my mentor
Aswell she is someone I look up to because she has helped me with more issues i ever would have thought was possible from a gaming community or personal crisis and pushes me to better myself everyday.
ApBlis has made me realize the were not just a community that were a family and that there always someone there to help
I truely believe she deserve this award I am honored to know her:)