KSI ApBlis 7 (DR Co-Founder)
She was the General, and pushed all of her officers and members to strive for something greater. She kept positivity, and when there was a problem she never hesitated. She never went over her head with issues, but dealt with many. And since moving to DR from LS she's been pushing me and KSI REX to make sure we know how to run the squad. She's been a tremendous help inside and outside KSI. I know that is I have a problem and I'm unsure I can ask her, or if I just don't feel okay she's there to talk to. She's the Mom of the squad, and makes sure everyone feels welcomed.
KSI iPreVail (Staff Sergeant)
This guy, he's been pushing hard to make our squad grow, and definitely keeps my officer staff and I busy. Bringing in recruits daily, making meeting, workshops, and even having a great time doing it. He's definitely dedicated and I know that when someone needs to be trained he'll be doing it in a matter of minutes. He's always on top of his game and I'm proud of him as a member.