Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MFLSwagg 7 / Director
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Swag man. This dude has been with me for 3 years now and we have always worked together to make FI the greatest division in KSI. This dude represents positivity. This guy serves our country, is currently on a military base, and still puts in so much work for KSI. Everyone in FI simply loves this guy, and we are proud to have him represent us.
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI VeRiiTaS 7 / FI / Co-Division Leader
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Spider man. This guy is a leader if I’ve ever seen one. I’ve been under this guy for a few months now and I’ve never seen a guy work as hard as he has. This guy is extremely respected by everyone in this division and even the people that are above him. I’ve never been more proud to stand beside a guy and let him lead us into battle. I jusr simply hope that one day I’ll be a fraction of the leader he is.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Demoniic / Torque FI / General
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Reasoning why the deserve this - What can’t I say about this guy? When the general of firebird stepped down he basically became the gen of both squads, with a 10 hour work schedule almost everyday! He is probably the most mature and hardworking general I’ve ever had the pleasure of having under me. He has always put in 110% no matter what rank he was at. This dude makes my job easier and makes me proud day in and day out. I cannot believe the amazing work this guy has put in. I simply cannot wait to see him as a 7 one day.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xTheQueen / Firebird FI / 2CPT
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Reasoning why they deserve this - This little girl from LW is one of the most mature people I have ever met in this community. She is always getting her squad motivated and never ceases to amaze me. She is always spewing out positivity and working her butt off to have her squad be the best it can be. Since I was her general I’ve worked with her and watched her work and work and work for her squad. She is an amazing captain, member, and person.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxDaddyxKay / Firebird FI / 1LT
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Sip is one heck of a dude when it comes to putting in work and motivating his squad. This guy was recruited in when I was general and I knew from the get-go that he was going to be a leader in this community. Rather it be recruiting, training, motivating, or leading, this guy does it all. He deserves this award with no contest.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI VeRiiTaS 7 / T&E / Co-Department Head
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Tyler just simply works his butt of day in and day out with tne. With so many responsibilities such as aap, happy hour panel, and simply running our division, he still puts in more work than anyone when it comes to tne. Constantly pushing sign ups for our events, getting members motivated for events, and setting up and hosting those events. This guy never clocks out on the job when it comes to tne, and he is the pure representation of what a department head should be.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xArbiter / Firebird FI / 4LT
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Jose goes above and beyond what a normal member is expected to do. He doesn’t just simply do his job as a lieutenant, he trains people above him, is active on the forums, is always encouraging positivity in his squad, and lifts everyone’s spirits. I’ve known Jose for a long time and he used to be my 1CPT. When I rejoined into KSI me and him automatically clicked and began working our butts off for the squad. He has been through a lot and continues to prove why he is a top tier member. This guy if any deserves member of the month.