Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ayeloves 7 (Founder - Maximum Punishment)
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ResaRe Reason why they deserve this award: She always takes time out of her schedule to take care of anything that may come up within the division. Regardless of her current circumstance (LOA, away, whatever the case may be), she does anything and everything to maintain the integrity of MP. Her reach within the division is deep, and everyone she comes across she befriends and makes them feel welcome.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gunner254 (General - Torture MP)
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Reason why they deserve the award: Gunner has busted his butt his whole time in Torture. He has one of the most close knit squads I've ever seen, and I believe truly that the reason they are all so close is because he makes it his purpose to bring current and new members closer together.
Li eutenant
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI AIRBORNE 7 (LT - Torture MP)
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Reason why they deserve the award: I've not been around Airborne a lot before recently. Airborne is an amazing officer, individual, and member. He's always ready, willing, and able to go above and beyond the call in order to make sure members are taken care of in not only a timely manor, but to the fullest extent that they need to be helped. He's another reason as to why Torture has become such a solid squad.