Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FithAce 7 - (Co-Division Leader - FI/All squads) Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - This person in-particular has went out of his way to help people including myself when they are in their darkest hour. I had thought about leaving numerous times while I was in KSI and he always told me this, "If you don't like how something is, get to a rank high enough to change it." And that is what has kept me going. This member has also done a great job as a Co-Division Leader. He has approved many people access back into KSI, he has made every recruit brought in feel welcome and he has strived to get the FI Welcoming Committee back up to its top potential. General
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SillySquare - a.k.a KSI FithsFault (General - FI/Turbo) Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - This member has went above and beyond an active members status and has been trying to get everyone in our division involved. He has been hosting inter-divisional game nights, competitions, tournements, CPL challenges, and has even helped members get their name changed to KSI. He is doing an outstanding job for KSI and deserves this award. LT
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ManOfSteele (4LT - FI/Octane) Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - After this member returned off of his LOA, no one in FI hardly knew him. He came back with a bang, he got people recruiting again, and wanted everyone to see that KSI if FUN and not just business all the time, he has been training the new recruits that appear on the RCT tag and has been there for anyone who needed someone to talk to. Everyone in Octane and most people in FI now know him and consider his a great friend and someone that the look up to. And this is why he deserves this award. Member
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Magnus Kufar (CPL - FI/Octane) Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Magnus has been through a lot of hard times in her life. But nothing in her life has ever slowed her down. In KSI, she has had her ups and downs but has never asked why this is happening or anything like that. She just pushes forward and never looks back. She has tried recruiting and love it, she has answered peoples questions when they've had them, and she knows so much about KSI and she is just a CPL. I cannot wait to see her as a SGT or higher. Magnus Kufar has earned and deserves this award!