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KSI Collector 7 (Director - MP, DL, WI/N/A) -
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24092-ksi-collector-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Collector deserves this because as a director he makes himself available to any and all members of the divisions he is over, while many Directors try they tend to not be readily available, while Collector is. When Collector's divisions change to where he wasn't over mine I saw a drastic difference in how things were happening, with Collector, gen promotions, squad tag holder changes, and so on all happen efficiently and quickly. When he is over divisions he pushes the standards of quality to the utmost degree in the most realistic way. That is why I think Collector deserves this award
Division Leader
KSI Ascend 7 (Division Leader - LW/N/A) -
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26961-callipygian/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
This month, a lot of hard things came Ascend's way, dealing with Gens not doing there job, officers not doing there job, gens leaving, and 2 squads being in danger of shutting down. There were a lot hard choices he had to make about whether or not to shut those squads down. He ultimately decided to shutdown those squads to help out the division as a whole. He either replaced the gens who weren't doing there jobs with people who will or started ensuring the right people were trained for it. Even with all these hardships coming his way, he stayed calmed, he adapted, and he worked with the 7 staff to find solutions, even when a lot of leaders would have overreacted or even left he persevered.
KSI ImPeRiium 7 (CDM - N/A/N/A) -
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/2917-impyyy/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Impy has been instrumental in the revamping of the history Team. Before he came in to help, there were way to many people in the history team who were not doing anything, so he worked with the Co-head and Head to lower the numbers of the team, noe because of him the team is working more efficiently than it has in like 5 months or so.
KSI xLastNine0x (SGT - LW/Caesar) -
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37387-ksi-xlastnine0x/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
LastNine deserves this award because when he set his mind to do something he does it. When he wanted to be cleared to recruit, he went to every workshop he could, he tried to recruit as many people as he could everyday. He was cleared to recruit. He wanted to learn how to be an officer, so he did everything he could to learn how to be an officer, he learned the the ssgt sop inside and out. He tried hist best to attend every meeting he could even if no one else would come, he would. He tries to play with everyone in KSI to have a good time. LastNine Examplifies what KSI is all about.