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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2016 in all areas

  1. I appreciate the love guys lets keep trocity moving in a better direction.and keep the ball rolling.
    1 point
  2. Division - Team Captain Gamertag - KSI KiLLER KiNG Team Members Gamertags - KSI pooda KSI QueenLioness Alternate 1 - KSI Seraphim 7 Alternate 2 - KSI Meta Man 7
    1 point
  3. Division: Wicked Intent Team Captain: KSI Angelz Team Members: KSI Kickz KSI Asuna 7 KSIxDeathScythe Back Ups: Primary- BlackClaw2587 Secondary- KGC Fallout89, Uzl x Jay
    1 point
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