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KSI FithAce 7 reacted to Emmy The Boss for a topic
Nominations for awards have not been opened again after the reboot of the awards system. Please refrain from nominations until we have announced that we are taking nominations again, and after that make sure to read the topics on nominations and witnessing before posting, and make sure to utilise the proper formats.1 point -
Call of Duty Black ops 2 TDM Friday June 24th
KSI Alley reacted to KSI xKing 7DS for a topic
Division: Legendary Warriors. Team Captain: KSI Alley Team Members: 2. KSI xAshlyn 3. KSIxKOALA 4. KSIxCOMIC Alternative 1. KS Shopzna Alternative 2. KSI PieBoy451 point -
Sign ups Karaoke Night
Ivy TSB reacted to KSI xKing 7DS for a topic
Division: Legendary Warriors Member 1: KSI PHIL0S0PHY (0's are zeros) Skype: Edward.tocco Member 2: KSI Alley Skype: Imlostimmortal1 point -
1 point
Official Spirit Week 2016 Rules!
KSI Acendancy reacted to I am FuzzyMeep™ for a topic
**OVERALL RULES**: KSI/XBL Code of Conduct applies to ALL KSI related events. Be respectful! No trash talking. All maps have been pre-selected, no requesting maps. This is a week for fun, we are a mature gaming community so the expectation is that everyone whether participating in an event or not, is respectful and on your best behavior. All team captains need to make sure that their service tag/clan tag is set up to read [0x0] which stands for wins and loses for the Call of Duty tournament. All teams (every member that is competing) needs to read and understand these rules as well as the rules for each tournament. Any individual who wins a prize during Spirit Week must follow the directions given to them by event host to claim their prize within 7 days (one week) from the end of Spirit Week. Anyone who does not claim their prize within this time period will forfeit their prize. If a member/team quits during participating in any tournament/event during Spirit Week, it will result in an automatic disqualification for that Division. The procedure for lobby Lag will be explained in detail before each tournament with Team Captains. Highest ranking member of each division is the only person permitted to sign up their representatives for each event. (They can appoint a divisional 7 to post on their behalf in case of emergency.) Wednesday June 22 - Pep Rally Forums Challenge: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST Topic will be open on the forums from 12am EST-11:59pm EST No member is permitted to create forums accounts for anyone else, or for themselves aside from their own personal one. Any member found creating multiple accounts will be banned immediately and disqualified from participating in Spirit Week. The division with the most votes at the closing of the thread will win. To Win the Spirit Week Award you must post in the topic as well as Vote (non divisional members may just post to win award Thursday, June 23 - KARAOKE: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST TWO representatives per division! For streaming purposes, Karaoke be held on Skype! Make sure your division rep has Skype and is ready to go when it is their turn! The rep needs to be able to do a Skype call (YOU NEED A MICROPHONE). The rep will have a maximum of 45 seconds to sing, so plan accordingly. Pending on Time zones you may request a later time frame to Sing All songs must be radio edits. No extreme profanity, drug references, sexual violence, or racial jargon. Thursday, June 23 - Rocket League 3v3 Stream/Event starts at 8:30pm EST Five minute matches Double Elimination 3v3 Games Every Division is allowed one team of 3 members No Mutators Standard Rules apply Friday June 24 - HALO Reach Multi-Team: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST 360/One tournament Every division is allowed one team of three, Halo will be a multi-team event with 3-4 teams composed of 3 players on each team. The game type is King of the hill, and the top two teams (teams with highest score) will move onto the next round, except for the final round where winner takes all. Game load outs have been preset with a mix of weapons. No mods, rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. No Member may participate in both Halo and Cod Blops 2. They will run simultaneously Friday June 24 - CALL OF DUTY Black ops 2 TDM: Stream starts at 7:30pm EST Every division is allowed one team of four members No Member may participate in both Halo and Cod Blops 2. They will run simultaneously Call of Duty: Black ops 2 will be on the Team Death Match game type. The game type will be standard TDM not MLG. With a few restrictions The tournament will be double elimination meaning a team has to loose twice in order to be eliminated. No mods, or rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. Saturday June 25 - Halo 5: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST Xbox One tournament Every division is allowed one team of 4, Halo will be a 4v4 Double elimination tournament The game type is Swat. Standard Rules Apply. Game load outs have been preset with a Battle Rifle and pistol Unlimited Ammo. No mods, rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. No Member may participate in both Halo and Cod Blops 3. They will run simultaneously Saturday June 25 - Call of Duty Blops 3 SafeGuard: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST Every division is allowed one team of four members No Member may participate in both Halo and Cod Blops 3. They will run simultaneously Call of Duty: Black ops 3 will be on the SafeGuard Match game type. The game type will be standard Safeguard The tournament will be double elimination meaning a team has to loose twice in order to be eliminated. No mods, or rapid fire controllers are NOT permitted. Each team can only utilize 1 substitute from the listed alternates. Saturday June 26 - Awards Ceremony/Tie Breaker: Stream/Event starts at 7:30pm EST Final scores and winners will be announced. In the case of a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.. a Tie Breaker game will be held on XBOX One Grand Theft Auto 5 Bumper Cars 4v4. Each division will be asked to fill the teams aside from 1 host and 1 streamer until both teams are even. Host and streamer will stay in Spawn area in order to not give or make advantages. Any division who cannot furnish a team to compete will forfeit their position and the division who shows will take the higher place overall. In the event that GTA 5 servers are unable to withstand the traffic we will move to Halo 5 Sumo . (Due to unforeseen circumstances this may change with little notice) DISCLAMER: KSI GLOBAL IS CONSIDERED A "MATURE GAMING COMMUNITY" AND AT TIMES THROUGHOUT SPIRIT WEEK, MATURE GAMES AND MATURE LANGUAGE WILL BE USED. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT KSI GLOBAL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THINGS HEARD OR SEEN WHILE MEMBERS ARE WATCHING LIVE STREAMS. AS WE TRY TO BE RESPECTFUL, WE EXPECT THE SAME FROM MEMBERS PARTICIPATING IN ALL EVENTS. **PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THESE RULES MAY BE EDITED AND UPDATED FROM NOW UNTIL THE START OF SPIRIT WEEK. IF THEY ARE UPDATED A POST WILL BE MADE INDICATING SUCH. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING SPIRIT WEEK, PLEASE CONTACT ANY DIRECTOR OR SENIOR DIRECTOR EITHER HERE OR XBOX LIVE.**1 point -
KSI Spirit Week Video Contest - VOTE HERE !!!
Ivy TSB reacted to KSI Jupiter 7 for a topic
Vote for your favorite Spirit Week 2016 Promo Video!! The 6 Video/Intro contestants are : ** ( NOTE - The names ARE NOT the order of the Videos, The videos are are in another order ) *** KSI JESSI<iframe width="759" height="452" src=" KSI Warrior Ace<iframe width="734" height="438" src=" KSi Jupiter 7=" KSI SnipDaWabbitiframe width="734" height="438" src=" KSI POISON IVYidth="734" height="438" src=" KSI intros KSI Graphic iframe width="734" height="438" src=" Thank you everyone who help create these videos and intros !! All of these are on The KSI Productions YouTube channel! VOTE NOW !!!! *** NOTE *** - You MUST vote in order for the VOTE to COUNT, commenting someones name or the number does not count as a VOTE!1 point -
Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be whe
KSI MadHatterH reacted to KSI LeTHaLVibes for a status update
Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be where i am now. Firsty, i would like to just thank KSI Mountain 7 for recruiting me [4th March 2016] if you didnt find me that day i would not of been in the position i am in now. i feel like KSI is my home and if it wasnt for you, i would of never been able to learn as much as i have, or have the opportunity to help others the way you have all helped me! Secondly, i would like to thank KSI TkillRising [my General]. it is an honour and an absolute privilege to be one of your officers. Thank you so much for all the support you give me to push on forward and be better. You are an amazing Gen and i wish you the best of luck in moving up higher in the ranks. If you didnt believe i could do the things i am doing now, then i dont think i would have been able to get to where i am. thank you brother. Thirdly, i would just like to shoutout KSI Bushmaster7, i am truly honoured to have you as my higher. the work you put in is truly astonishing, there must be a lot of stress in the position you are in, but you continue to do a great job. Also, thank you for everything you do to not only help Death, but to all squads you overlook. KSI is my family and im sorry if this all sounded soppy but i truly am thankful to all of you and wanted to just take a little time to show a little appreciation for all you have done for me.1 point