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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Ivy TSB

    1 point
  2. Us guys over in Wrath would like more info on this event . It was covered briefly in our gen meeting last night but because i don't play Minecraft and I'm trying to encourage my squad to use the forum . Any more info would be greatly appreciated.... Fluffle
    1 point
  3. How is everyone doing this fine Sunday
    1 point
  4. KSI MadHatterH

    @KSI shortything

    @KSI shortything
    1 point
  5. um I was not encouraging Poop I and it was not all Gens of FI get your facts straight there is only one gen from fi in there the rest are all members from other squads not just FI some from TI its a friends only chat I was saying friends should stick together that's why I made that chat get your facts straight do NOT HuckING PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH EVER AGAIN
    -1 points
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