Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Collector 7 (Director- LW, MP)
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Reasoning why they deserve this -Collector has not been a director for long, yet he was not hesitant to show us that he is dedicated to his job. He talks with us and not only when there is an issue or if there a meeting, but he actually talks to us and not only the division he came from. He is a very positive guy to be around.
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Terrors 7 Co-Div of Maximum Punishment
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Reason for nominating- Terrors is a very influential person within KSI. He has made MP a better environment for me and everyone else. He makes sure that everyone is comfortable in the situation they are in. He has a very powerful voice and will make sure that we get what we need. He is the main reason why MP has pushed forward so much to the point we are at today. Through every issue he remains calm and keeps a very positive attitude and he solves the issues with a clear head. Terrors is a very powerful force that drives MP forward.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ArCher 7 (Co-founder- MP/ Massacre, Riot, Enforcer)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Despite being busy with soccer, he still does his best to stay active with the squads and still attend meetings. He cares about his members and he wants to make sure that everything is running smoothly. He is always open to learn more about KSI. He is very knowledgeable and he has deserve every promotions he has gotten to get him this far.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NUK3YoDaDDY (General- MP/Massacre)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Nuke has not been general for long, but he is already very knowledgeable within KSI and being a general. When asked to do something, he does it without complaining. He is a very good general and he is designed to be leader.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Courtney N (2CPT- MP/Massacre)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Courtney is a very powerful force within KSI. She will make sure that her members, in and out of her squad, are okay and make sure that they are doing things right. She not only helps her squad out but she also helps out the other squads within MP. She is a very positive person to be around.