Founder: Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Lez Kat 7 (Founder - Toxic Illusion)Link to forums account - why they deserve this - KSI Lez Kat 7 has been a stalwart leader since the FI/TI division split and has really stepped up to the plate since taking the reigns, showing compassion for those under her command and an eager willingness to do anything she can to ensure that everyone gets the help they need.
Co-FounderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI OrNah 7 (Co-Founder - Toxic Illusion)Link to forums account - why they deserve this - KSI Ornah 7 was my co-founder just before the FI/TI division split, and, as his position would dictate, he was more than happy to help with the running of the squads under his command to the best of his ability, showing complete trust in his General's leadership skills and allowing them to work in their own way, providing he was made aware.
GeneralGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Splat Splat (General - Lithium TI)Link to forums account - why the deserve this - Despite his age, KSI Splat Splat has shown great determination and resolve in the running of his squad, having been gen, and survived through the division split, his transition from Carbon FI to Lithium TI was seamless and fluid, Splat is a great leader, and a wonderful colleague.
CaptainGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI AuraLucario (3CPT - Xenon TI)Link to forums account - why they deserve this - Lucario here has proven his worth this month, getting a captains position shortly after the FI/TI division split stepping up to his new position, showing a massive increase in activity both with the squad on Xbox, and overall on the forums, he has proven himself to be a great asset to his squad, and his division as a whole.
LTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI GON FREECES (4LT - Xenon TI)Link to forums account - why they deserve this - KSI GON FREECES (formerly KSI KINGBRANZ) has shown that he has what it takes to be a great leader, since his promotion less than a week before the FI/TI Division split, he's really improved, adding to the squad as much as he can, and for as long as he's been my LT, he's done nothing but rise to the plate, challenging himself and performing his duties to the best of his ability.