DirectorGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Lafayette 7 (Director- WI-MP-LS)Link to forums account - why they deserve this - Laffy is the kind of guy you can go to for advice or just to get a laugh. Laffy is one of the Directors who is just a teddy bear but a great mentors. He Really works with his division he is an amazing Director and deserves this award with high standards.
Co-Division LeaderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Tempah 7 (Co Division Leader- ALL OF WI)Link to forums account - why they deserve this - Tempah has worked really hard with his general and members, he makes even the littlest problem matter to show us he cares. Tempah is a true leader for WI and I thank you Tempah for helping my squad grow and showing interest in everything we do. Very Supportive to us and his members.
FounderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Trendies 7 (Founder- All of WI)Link to forums account - why they deserve this - Trendies is an amazing Founder, he been busting his ass off just to make sure all the general and squads are happy and working well. He works so much with the WI Recruit Tag for generals and officer get on it almost everyday he really is a true leader helping and supporting everyone and everything!Co-FounderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Vonner 7 (Anguish,Abbadon,Envy,Vortex WI) Link to forums account - why they deserve this - Vonner ever since becoming my co founder my squad has really improved, he comes to every halo 5 gamenight, supports us and listen to us crazy drama but he is truly a great co founder just supporting everything we do crazy idea or safe idea. I really enjoy the time he spends with Anguish he is an amazing co founder! CaptainGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Purge (1CPT- Anguish WI)Link to forums account -
Reasoning why they Deserve this- This Member has really been working hard to improve Anguish, he is an amazing Captain working with every member to make so they are active! Anguish Has been improving as purge did as well. I wouldn't be here if Purge hasn't helped me threw the rough situations. I Thank him for that for the working he has done. He really deserves this award