KSI POLARB34R ( Gen / Hypnos ) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31411-ksi-polarb34r/
I met Polar Bear during a 7 vs Viewers match, and honestly I couldn't have met someone with more Integrity. He truly cares about his squad, and it's great to get ideas from him. Just to talk about how to work threw different situations. As a general myself, It's really nice to have someone like Polar Bear as a friend. Even if someone isn't apart of his squad, or division. he makes them feel like they are still family. His knowledge of situations, and how to handle them are truly something to be admired. Polar Bear is a person who everyone could look up to, and learn something from. I bet that if you were to sit down, and have a deep conversations about KSI. Talking about the divisions we come from, or the squads we lead. He would so more passion in his little finger, then most people do in their entire bodies. He is truly one of the best gens that I have seen, and a remarkable person.
KSI Masta 777 AKA KSI Bandit 777 (Div Leader / DM)
Bandit is a very hard working person who I am proud to have as my Div leader. Knowing that if there is a problem, if it reaches her level. Is handled swiftly and with out fail. There isn't anything that she can't over come, and is an amazing role model for the people who look up to her.
KSI Limit Break (Captian / DM )
What can I say about limit break, other then he is a top notch captain. He always goes above and beyond for the people with in his squad. Truly a beam of light that brightens up the day. Weather it's helping a member who is down on their luck, or teaching a new SSGT how to be a better officer. Always welcoming of new members, and always will have your back no matter what. He has the most amazing strength that I have yet seen of any officer. He truly is an amazing man, and takes care of the squad. Always coming up with new ideas, and wanting to help in any way he can.