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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Member assistance: I Can Witness for Member Assistance, When i was in LW and even Now If i ever had a question Ascendancy Always Known the Answer, and Shown me Now to Be a Better Leader Helping hand: Helped Members With Any Possible Time, Or Just Being there When someone needed it, plus Helping with Name Changes and Giving Points to Others. KSI Mentor: I can Claim Ascendancy as One of my Mentors, He helped me A lot with Recruiting Process When i first joined and Shown me Now to Handle problems Step by Steps and I thank him for the help and everything he has done. Greatly Thank him for talking time out of his day just to help me and other as much as Possible.
    1 point
  2. I am witnessing for KSI CISCO - GEN - KSI WRECKAGE HD. Have seen 1st hand Cisco handing out name changes,live & trials. Excellent Leader! Gen can be a really tough spot sometimes, He's handles his squad with precision. Outstanding member!
    1 point
  3. I witness for all 3. He has been helping me quite a bit with a little bit of Gen traing and also guidance through KSI. i claim him as my mentor. I talk with him and he's always helping me when it's needed. My 2 animated sigs were made by him so I am also thankful for that aswell. He is well deserving of these awards.
    1 point
  4. I am a witness for all 3. Any time I have ever had a question or a need, Ascendancy has been there. He goes out of his way to help others ingame and out. He spends personal time helping members with issues, sigs, and has never asked for anything in return. He is more than deserving.
    1 point
  5. I witness for this member for all 3 awards. He deserves member assistance because any time i ask a question or need help, he is there for me no metter what. He deserves Helpid hand because he is ALWAYS offering to make SIGs for people and to help change GT's etc. He deserves Mentor because as ive been coming up the ranks, he has been one of three people to really answer all my KSI questions and guide me in the right direction.
    1 point
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