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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2015 in all areas

  1. Im an ex-general of FI so I'd like to say that this post has credibility. I worked directly with King Bear with for quite some time as generals together. There so many reasons why he deserves this away, so I'll explain them. King Bear has, even after I was no longer able to be a general, kept up with and created a KSI welcoming committee. He was the main leader for this beside myself as he made sure to go out of his way as he held gamenights for new members and made sure to host CPL showdowns each week. He took charge next with the divisional gamenights but went even further with our own Friday night tournaments that operated on a divisional level complete with prizes and all. He is one of those members who assists every single squad when they need help as far as recruiting, morale, and training. I think what qualifies him even more so is his patience. His time for promotion went by quite slowly, more so than others who were promoted more quickly. Even though he had to wait such a long time, he did not give up and he kept on doing even more than his position required as I've mentioned above. He takes the initiative to establish multi-squad/cross-squad communications by organizing multi-squad/cross-squad game nights and training sessions which has so many benefits, one's I will not list as his actual preforming of such activities are much more important in regards to the award. Another thing that qualifies him for the award is that he intentionally gets to know and treat every single member of the division possible like family by developing personal relationships through one on one time in party chat and in game lobbies. A good leader will preform his duties as required but an outstanding leader will create a vision to constantly improve his or her division and act on that visions. As explained, King Bear has that vision and acts upon it.
    1 point
  2. Forgive me if this isnt as descriptive as i would normally be ive got pneumonia and am on medication so my brain isnt at its best lol Bear is a wonderfully helpful individual hes always willing to step in and help out wherever its needed he is a quick learner and is willing to take criticism and make an attempt at bettering himself. He is like me always asking for things to do lol hes stepped in as acting gen for squads that loose their gens and does his best to bring them back up to speed and assist in finding a teplacement. He is a valued member and a valued friend who is as helpful as a person can be. ^^
    1 point
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