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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI COMMANDO Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/996-ksi-command0/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Outstanding Service lvl 1 Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Commando has been there for his members more times than I can say. He is constantly looking at ways to help his squad and division. He helps his captains oversee the division headhunter and snipe ops teams. In the next couple of weeks he will be splitting his squad as General. Commando has been in KSI for quite a while, and his commitment and great attitude towards everything has shown. I can't think of a better member thy deserves this award.
    1 point
  2. Commando is a shining example of what this particular award was truly created for. In the time I have been in DR, I have seen Commando always going around from squad to squad doing anything in his power to assist the members with any and all issues they may be having. Even if the issue is something that should truly be taken care of by someone in a higher position than himself, he does everything to share his experiences to try to dissolve any and all conflicts and issues. As general of Nirvana, he has gone above and beyond to make sure that he is constantly in contact with his members and making sure that they are all having as good of a time as possible. Commando is quite possibly the most deserving member of this award I know.
    1 point
  3. Ever since I was first recruited into KSI 2 years ago, command0 has made it his job, nay, his duty to make sure everyone is performing at well above their levels. He got me in and has been with me, supporting me, through the collapse and the rise of our squads. He is the reason I'm still in KSI after Foxtrot, he brought all of us out of the darkness and into the light that is KSI. I've never met anyone more deserving of this award, and trust me, I've met a lot of qualified people.
    1 point
  4. I don't know where to start with COMMAND0! Without him, I wouldn't even be here today as a LT for KSI. I wouldn't have even heard about this clan if it weren't for him. He is such a respectful person, and is always kind to everyone! If anyone were to deserve this award, it would definitely be COMMAND0! He is by far the nicest person I have ever met online. I wouldn't ever expect him not to get many awards like this, because he really knows how to make your day! He is completely worthy of this award, and is by far the most awesome person!
    1 point
  5. This gen has helped while I was under him and then when I was his like rank. He has mentored me through my rising ranks in KSI. He succefully prepared his squad to split and help mine with new recruits because his squad is FULL.
    1 point
  6. I too witness for my fellow member and General. KSI Commando is first and formost the most active person in KSI that I know. He has a Snipe Ops and a HeadHunters team. His squad is so close to splitting. He is a very kind and respectful person. He gets out there and plays with anyone and everyone. I've not heard one person complain about him. He is a hard worker. He sets high but realistic goals for his squad. His dedication is supurb! He will make a great CoFo one day. His leadership is just phenominal. I myself am a new General and I hope to learn so much from him. I hope he gets this award because he deserves it. Its way over due.
    1 point
  7. Commando is always there no matter the problem you are having, he will try to help you out. He is an outstanding member of this community and a great leader to his squad.
    1 point
  8. Commando is an amazing person as well as a good leader and roll model a friend to everyone good job brother
    1 point
  9. i can vouch for this member due to i see what he can do and he go out his way for any member doesnt matter if your in his div or not he is there as a friend i know him for few years back in my Covert ops when i was his CO Founder he is one outstanding member keep up the good work bud
    1 point
  10. Justin bieber roast.
    1 point
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